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Best Excuse For A Scar

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:ninja: -Okay, so i've got afew scars and often i'm asked howd that happen and whats that from. So i usually turn around and tell them something comeletly not true, yet shocking.


I'll start with mine in the reverse order from least favorite to most.


Okay, so i've got acouple of scars on my back from mole removals. When someone asks me how i got them i'd tell them i was either shot, or stabbed.


My next scar is the biggie. It runs the whole length of my sternum. Thats from the bottom of my collar bone to the bottom of my rib cage.


(Reasons again in reverse)

Least favorite reason...


Was abducted by aliens.


Was mistaken for dead and they realised I was still alive during the autopsy.



(My Favorite)

I tripped and fell on a circular saw.

(Gives me goose bumps cause i would have been cut open with a saw of some sort.)


You wouldn't believe how often people fall for this. A girl that i work with tonight saw my scar cause my top button was undone, so i told her the saw one. She believed it. Then i told her i was joking and it was really the autopsy one. She believed that too.


It happens often.


My mates think its cool. When they introduce me to someone they'd be like, "Jon, show em your scar."


Anyone else with scars and reasons??



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Yeah, I got a few, one nice big chunk out of my arm that will never not be there... bicycles are a wunder-fool thing....


And my legs have thousands of lil scars and ripples and shit... but thats what you'd expect...

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the only real scar of mine that has a cool story has actually faded now, got it on my knee when I fell off my bike in Denmark. The cool bit of the story was that I was only 6 at the time, never ridden a bike without back-pedal brake before, and only just missed falling off an approximately 50m high cliff down to the beach



However, I do have a permanent bruise/scar on my back, which looks kinda freaky. When getting changed for PE in high school, one of my mates said it looked like I'd been hit in the back with a baseball bat. However, the real reason is much cooler - it's a friction burn from when I went down the world's tallest vertical slide, not in the proper safety equipment (because they didn't have any in my size at the time). Extremely painfull, I must say, and something that will stay with me for the rest of my life (both physically and mentally)

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Also, once at work my mate kept chucking a knife in the air twirling it around and catching it. At times he even bounced it off his leg and did many thricks. So I one day wanted to try it myself, so i chucked the knife up in the air , spun it and when I went to catch it the blade cut the corner of my finger off. Now my finger looks f@$ked.


Another time i tried to jump a brick retaining wall. The first attempt i made it and usually with the stupid things i do the first attempt works.

Sadly on the second attempt my right leg was dragging and I tore a hole to the bone which was the size of a twenty cent peice. It took 11 stitches and alot of laughing gas to fix it. That and i couldn't walk for a week or two.

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I have a scar on my right knee... when I was younger me, my dad, my aunty and uncle decided itd be a good idea to surf on boogie boards through this little river out to the ocean. the current was strong, and i thought it was too shallow. my uncle was like "nah ive done this heaps it rocks" so off we went... both me and my dad got dragged down a shallower path than my aunty and uncle. we were dragged over sharp barnicles and rocks....


Dad had to drive me and him to the nearest hospital (2 hours drive) for stitches he needed 20 odd of them and they gave me a choice a gaping wound or stitches i said wound cause i didnt want stitches they were scary.


For about 2 years after that i had this gash deep in my knee and it was all scabby and stuff. was cool at the time (14 or so) but now i regret it cause i still have the scar :ninja:

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:ninja: -There was another when I was four and I was jumping on my sisters bed and when i jumped to land on my back my head went full blast into the bed head and needed stiches. Then in year 6 I was teasing a mate at school until he pegged at rock at my head. Then i needed more stiches. oh how i've had soo many mishaps as a kid. Like me and electricity. We go way back. All three times. ZZZap.

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I've mostly got small one's but the one i do have is from jumping the neighbours fence and slipping...........onto a damn sharp steel edge and the end result was a scar on my right chin.

This was all when i was five and they had to restain me at the hospital because i was still afraid of needles. Damn dirty doctor :thumbsup:

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i got one on my finger where i kinda was cutting kindling, and kinda missed the peice of timber i was holding, yeah that went to the bone

bandaids ftw!

got one in my back where the doctor removed a BB gun pellet coz it was pressing against the muscle as i grew. no one knows when i was shot lol!

the rest is all the usual :thumbsup:

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Haha. I got one on the side of my hip when my foot slipped off the pedal of my mountain bike and into the front wheel on a wet day (damn plastic pedals) i somersaulted and landed on my back and slid along the road and the bike landed on top of me.


And i have a scar on my back from removal of a mole that kept catching on everything and bleeding! Yum!

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:thumbsup: -I had a mate that walked like a bit of a gimp. It turned out that he was on a dirt bike and he was doing some jumps. The thing was that he was wearing thongs and when the bike landed, his feet slipped and the metal bars that his feet were resting on tore into his legs just above his ankles and slid all the way to just under his knees. He had to have them surgically removed.

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Got a 3rd degree burn/cut when i was dragged along the track at about 50km's by a go kart when i was workin at archerfield speed karts, I was at the doctors every Mon, wed, Fri for dressings and i had 2 months off work as i couldnt really move my leg other than walk, that happened a year ago and to this day it still hurts, I tell people what really happened and every now and then i will get someone that don't take me seriously.


This is what it looks like today:



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