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Posts posted by bradsm87

  1. If i am, it's not intentional. How do u set up STEERING to give an oversteer tendency?


    Drift cars generally have a slight understeer tendency. It's a side-effect of softening the rear end for more traction. You have to get ur entry right and throw it into the corner. It's harder to drift but well worth it. This is what we're aiming for and why it'll run a bigger front swaybar but stock rear swaybar.

  2. Moving the inner pivots straight up then moving the outer tie rod pivots straight down by the same amount will have EXACTLY the same bump-steer as wen u started. Moving the outer lca pivots down and moving the inner pivots up will both throw out bump steer and need correcting either way.


    Sounds like you've been lucky enough to mainly deal with toyota setups. Roll centre adjustment is very easy because the spindles are separate from the knuckles so all u need is a big spacer between and ur set. Bump steer unchanged.

  3. big plans, how likey are you are to go ahead with it?


    There are three main geometry problems with your concept that I can see straight out. but I don't have time to explain now. I will as soon as I can.



    Now why an S13 crossmember?


    Silvia front stuff for a number of reasons including parts availability, easy 5 stud, easy big brakes, readily available modified knuckles to our specs, wider track whilst still retaining a low scrub radius which makes steering feel much better, power steering etc. etc.


    Keen to hear about the geometry problems you mentioned. Still in early stages of build so open to suggestions. If 2 of those problems are bump-steer and ackerman, that will be sorted with custom knuckles.


    I'd think moving the crossmember forward 30mm would be enough to compensate for the difference in wheelbase to allow for the ackerman angles set in the S13 suspension from the factory... The new angle on the steering arms would mess with it a bit, but I would have thought the other mods such as tilting the struts back even further and lifting the pivot points for the control arms and castor rods would be taking it further out rather than fixing it...


    Other thing too... i don't think you will need to worry about touching the handbrake to get her drifting... not with the power to weight ratio you'll end up with, not to mention the torque of the 1UZ...


    Will be running modified knuckles to increase lock, reduce turns to lock, reduce ackerman and correct bump-steer. The inner and outer tie rod pivots will be parallel to the inner and outer LCA pivots for the least amount of bump-steer possible.


    The inner pivots definately need to come up to raise the front roll centre which goes very low when lowering. The rear doesn't do this so un-corrected, the balance of the car is very over-steery.


    Yep handbrake will be sweet as-is. Maybe thicker cables.

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