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Posts posted by VOLK

  1. Bargain! Ah well, at least I've got one car that's cheap to fix. Legnum's going in for 100thou service @ ~$1700 :( Clutch is an epic job too that I'm not expecting change outta $1500 0_0 Performance comes with a price. I've been driving the corolla more than the legnum lately too, so much easier on fuel!

  2. Has anybody purchased a vrs kit for the 4afc from eBay? I've found a few that just state 4AF & 4AFE, do they use the same head gasket? I'd imagine the kit would just have different manifold gaskets due to 4afe being EFI?


    These guys say it won't fit the 4AFC http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=160437180272

    And these guys say they only have a listing for the Holden Nova http://cgi.ebay.com.au/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=170649062841 which is essentially the exact same car and I'm assuming no engine or drivetrain differences between the two?

  3. After the Legnum it looks fairly easy to get into. Fair bit of space & low complexity.


    I say that now but I'm sure my opinion will change once work has begun :D Thanks for the info.


    Best be acquiring a timing light I think. I'll get it to TDC on number 1 and start pulling things apart.


    That vrs kit on uk eBay the best source? Anything else I should do whilst doing the head? Ex-mechanic at work said crack open the sump and unbolt the rods, set of new rings. Don't think I wanna invest that much time or money!

  4. Hey dudes, bit of a read but please don't vague out half way through and close the tab hehehe :P


    Just purchased a project which will eventually become my other half's car. AE92 auto w/4AFC, 268 thou on the clock & with what I suspect is a blown head gasket :( Oil floating in the coolant, but no coolant in the sump? I was always under the impression that when a head gasket allowed two galleries to mingle that everything got everywhere? Can anyone confirm this?


    Weird thing is, the car still runs fine, just was low on coolant when I picked it up. The header tank was basically empty besides oily brown sludge, opened the radiator cap and found more of the same. Filled both up and it drove ok. Didn't overheat, if anything it lost and gained temp most likely due to lack of thermostat. Sound about right?


    Now I'm no stranger to spanners but I've never done a head gasket before. This is my 1st Toyota so thought it best I join the hallowed members of Toyotadom on this fine site and hopefully pick some brains, mebbe get some help from the local gurus?! I'll also be grabbing a manual online but I just wanted some tips from those who've done it.


    I've found a VRS kit on UK eBay here. Is this all I'll need when doing a head gasket? Timing belt was done at 230 thou apparently so that should still be ok.


    What else should I do with the head off? Water pump? Any other seals?


    Will I just need the head rebuilt/skimmed etc but the block should be fine to accept a new gasket?


    If I was supposed to chuck up a member's ride or intro post first, my apologies and I'll take care of it asap. I searched around and didn't spot obligatory requirement for either. Also searched for info about 4AFC head gaskets and didn't find anything definitive like a guide. So...


    Proof I'm no stranger to mechanical frustration and because I know you all love pics:


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