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Status Updates posted by Weggy

  1. Hey I'm mark, I'm 18 and just brought my first car for $400 it's a ke30 in good nick too runs great! I'm wanting to put a new mottor it in but not sure what to put in so has anyone got any ideas? It has to be p plate leagel too. And how big of rims can you fit? I

    1. Zetai


      Hey mate. How much money are you willing to throw at it is the question. You can fit an assortment of engines in them, but it comes down to whether you can afford to. Also, Rolla's aren't really the sort of cars where Big Rims are the way to go, I personally wouldn't go higher than 15" rims, but even they look oversized. I've seen images around the net of what seems like 17-18s on them though, depends what look you're going for.

    2. Subaru_kid


      13x9's kgo.



      or if you like kebab spec, get some 22x5's chromies...

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