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Posts posted by Mrdexxy

  1. Hey so I've recently brought a 1982 ke70, with a 4k in it still.

    I also brought a set of extractors off ebay. I went to install them only to find that on the intake manifold, there is a little tube that's goes to some sort of filter (I'm assuming that's what it is, laugh if you will) and then continues into The exhaust manifold, so if I install the extractors it doesn't have the little port to connect anymore (unless I make one, which I do not want to do) so can you tell me, do I need this thing? And what exactly is it? What does it do?

    This is the only photo I could find on the Internet, and it's a terrible angle, so sorry in advance.



    P.s. Ignore the arrows on the photo, just the metal tubing coming off the intake manifold on the back. And going to the left.

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