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big stoj

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About big stoj

  • Birthday 12/10/1992

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. And will that bolt straight in or will it be a pain in the ass? any idea on the price of one?
  2. What engine should I put into my KE70? New at the car thing need some guidance.
  3. hey I'm asking a broad question. i went to mallala on the weekend to see my friend do competitive drifting and was wondering what would be the easiest engine to put into my KE70 with the best out put for this type of racing.
  4. not to sure how the rings and bearings are, just really looking for a bit more grunt to get through the hills of adelaide. i throw so much petrol away from going up those things at 4000 rpm at 60km/h sucks ass.
  5. Hey, had this KE70 for a little while now and am really over the lack of power that its got, was wondering if i could get some advice about a better engine for the rolla thats not going to take too much cutting of the car and an engine thats not going to attract the cops cheers
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