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Posts posted by Daizy70

  1. completely forgot I had a thread, I got my hands on a full rwd 16v conversion from an ae86 so ripped the slow as 4k that was only good for keybangers out and put a 4age in, and wow what a difference, was like a completely different car, so much fun through the hills keeping up with much more expensive cars, I've been dailying the car 100kms everyday to and from work without problems. well until I decided to idiot and blew the diff centre apart, so fitted a new centre now its a lot more quieter, still need to sort out some sound deadening for the boot its way to loud inside the car, also did a wedding with some other fellow corolla owners, would be good to meet up with some local corolla guys in Adelaide but I'm not sure if any others exist haha, I'm terrible at typing so heres some photos post-15127-0-40053900-1437219902_thumb.jpg post-15127-0-17836400-1437219955_thumb.jpg post-15127-0-13486400-1437219986_thumb.jpg post-15127-0-11324000-1437220010_thumb.jpg post-15127-0-25991800-1437220050_thumb.jpg post-15127-0-09641900-1437220158_thumb.jpg post-15127-0-84464600-1437220192_thumb.jpg post-15127-0-08422000-1437220687_thumb.jpg

  2. Sorry I didn't get a chance to speak to you mark! most of the photos are from mates pages or other peoples pages, and yeah I seen on your thread you said you didn't have many photo's I tried to find some but I forgot what pages I got my photos from. I went to the bottle-o at one stage and put my head in the fridge for a abit while I pretended to look at drinks haha And yeah I'm down south!

  3. haven't updated this in a while. I was always hoping to write a decent build thread with a lot of photos but then someone decided to steal my phone at work so I lost most of my photos during the build and lost my password for awhile aswell but anyway, the cars been running overrated! Been dailying it to work which takes just over an hour to get to, been through the hills plenty of times and haven't had any problems just the power of the 4k sucks so 4age is next! but still a few months away. Anyway fitted my chrome bars and got my front lip painted and put it on, tried to lower the front but didn't change much but I can't go to low anyway as its a daily and my driveway is fairly steep. So entered all jap day the other week, had a corolla meet beforehand and met a few people and some nice cars sadly didn't get much photos as the sun was in a crap spot and ruined the photos. Spoke to a few people who liked the car which always good. It was a long day got sunburnt and heatstroke I think but was a great day. Still need to get my exhaust on and then just drive it for a couple months why I gather parts for the conversion and hopefully do it all at once but heres some photos post-15127-0-10264800-1395482692_thumb.jpg post-15127-0-08860100-1395482728_thumb.jpg post-15127-0-63131200-1395482771_thumb.jpg post-15127-0-86136500-1395482843_thumb.jpg post-15127-0-75712900-1395482918_thumb.jpg

  4. I think I seen you at lofty one night wagn I can't remember when and was pretty dark so couldn't really see if it was yours or not I was in a blue ksev haha

  5. so it turned out to be a air leak and the mixture screw needed a little bit of fine tuning, so its now running overrated. Went for a decent drives and it handles so good! like its on rails still needs a wheel alignment though. Now just need to get my exhaust on but waiting for my extractors to be made up and then chrome bars and front lip on. I've also entered it into All jap day in Adelaide on march 9 so hopefully should be a great couple of months.

  6. Thanks everyone, The paint looks even better in person even for the short few drives I've taken it on everyone looks at you haha, the paint is basecoat with clear over the top. The car was painted by one of the site sponsors being McBains Automotive refinishing in Lonsdale SA. Yeah Stuart its changed a lot since I started. Its an awesome feeling just looking at it and realising that you made it how it looks :) I should be picking up another carby tonight/tomorrow and put it on over the weekend and see what happens and then go from there hopefully

  7. bit of an update, got the seats out of the shed and clean them up with degreaser, a brush and a pressure cleaner they came up overrated. I took out what was in the interior and put in some dynamat and carpet underlay to try deaden the noise and also put in some new carpet it looks like new. Tried to clean up most of the interior parts but I still need to chase up some new interior or paint it but its pretty much complete inside sadly I don't have any photos. Anyway I got the car together after having a few problems like having to rebuilt the alternator and other little things, I had a bet with a family member that my car wouldn't make it to Christmas day so I did everything I could in the short time and drove the car on the road for the first time in 18 months, Was running really bad and on the way home was idling at 3000 :/ but I made it to lunch on Christmas day and was stoked to be driving it even though it wasn't running well... Had a look the next day and realised it was a vacuum leak luckily I had a spare connector that it was leaking from so changed that and it fixed it. Tuned it again and got it running overrated and then took it for a run around the block it handles awesome. But then another issue, When I was going around corners and go to accelerate out it pretty jerky so I thought it might of been the carby. It couldn't hurt to rebuilt it so I took it all apart and cleaned with petrol and a few brushes. Bolted it back on and tried to start it. I was cranking it for agers and wasn't starting so took a fuel line off and nothing was getting to the carby. Tried tuning it over for awhile but it wasn't picking the fuel up, I ended up grabbing the air hose and pressurizing it through the fuel filler. started getting fuel out the line so I put it back on. I was able to get warm and get it idling at about 900 but then when ever you would give it a little rev and then take foot of the throttle and it wouldn't idle it would just die.. it wouldn't matter how much I played around with it the car would still die. so I spoke to dad and another family friend who is a mechanic and they think it might be one of the jets is blocked, even though I cleaned everything on the carby thoroughly so they recommend acid dipping it. But I'm not sure if that is the issue because the I'm worried about the fuel pump taking awhile to get the fuel even though it was brand new before I got the car painted. Or If its the emission controls messing with it too because the car was messed around with abit before I got it and was never running correctly in the first place. I'll hopefully get it sorted soon. Anyway it went on the road I got some photos but I've still got plently of work to do with bolting my new exhaust on, putting chrome bars on, putting my front lip on and just a few other little jobs and touching up some paint underneath the car. So heres some photos: post-15127-0-58542500-1388659580_thumb.jpg post-15127-0-26290700-1388659615_thumb.jpg post-15127-0-43391100-1388659773_thumb.jpg. post-15127-0-56936400-1388659876_thumb.jpg post-15127-0-21437700-1388659928_thumb.jpg post-15127-0-74292500-1388660079_thumb.jpg post-15127-0-80890600-1388660316_thumb.jpg post-15127-0-59863200-1437220947_thumb.jpg


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