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Everything posted by kurtiz

  1. lool haha how old are you blokes on hear hopefully no as old as these rollas hahah it was still understood so relax
  2. i can spell ?? and yeah illest/fatlace all the way buddy whats wrong with that ?
  3. hey does any1 no if a 7k will fit the 4k k50 gearbox as I'm curiouse to set up a 7k in me rolla ???
  4. cheers mate and yeah more so after the power i bit of relibility but just a lil more of a kick i no it wont add much of a power gain but i just don't want to go down the same route is every1 with the 4age and sr20 etc and am on a budget lol
  5. hey guys keeping the rolla and the 4k but am going to chuck a sc12 or a sc14 ? charger on there what are the steps and things youll need yo achieve this i no a fuel upgrade etc is need but what else etc
  6. and its a banjo diff not a borgwarner
  7. lol are you seriouse you gotta full rev drop these rollas to get them to spin I'm slowly making a drift car out of it so any help on the diff would be sweet if not don't bother m8
  8. hey guys am very keen on upgrading my diff in my ke 36 wagon as i keep breaking axles and then tour the diff gears inside apart then got the diff welded up for a locker and have since broke again another axle and the weld on the diff lol and this is only with a 4k engine soo am wanting to no what diff would be the go and would fit without to much of a hassel and have good strength .....any ideas or help would be sweeet
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