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Posts posted by sweave65

  1. this beauty is still for sale but I am not advertising it or even showing it at the shows.  these cars here in the states are in a big lull.....great jtin cars on the market for months with minimal interest.  I am going to sit on this one for a couple more years....keep it running, drive it every couple of weeks and than bring it back to the shows.  I know nothing about facebook since I have never joined but understand the concept......instant gratification is the drug of the current generation.  is what it is.  

  2. I joined the states forums 8 or 9 years ago and at that time there was still active interest.....they were useful forums, Now.......extinct.  apparently everyone has morphed into faceplant and twitter, I have written before, it is a shame.  Our entire society has latched on to the internet technology as the only acceptable way from now on......we are going down a bad path.  anyway, it is nice to see that this site still has some interest and valid posts.....CHeers to you all.  I have finished my original SR5 te27 project and actually found someone to buy my SR5 clone project and now my next build is a 2 door 74 RT104 corona.  Just wanted to say...HEY.

    FINAL2_zpsisilwz18 (2).jpg

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  3. On 9/14/2017 at 6:58 PM, Chobis said:

    Anyway..... I don't know what my point was and I've gone on a bit of a brain dump for which I apologise....... but I agree with what others have said. Owning a rare Japanese car is itself the reward. You have it because you're an enthusiast, but in the current climate it's not going to make you money unless it's one of the hero Datsuns or an original rotor Mazda.

    I admire you sweave65 for restoring cars even knowing you will not make money out of them. It keeps more of them circulating which is good for everyone. It's not easy these days to find people that take pride in their work. I wish you were local to me. I'd probably get you to work on my cars and do my re-tiling for me.

    Chobis...thank you much for the encouragement........ I keep plugging along, in no rush to get the projects done.  I drive  my 2 cars which are legal and love every minute of it......I get a few waves and smiles but not as much as I would like.  I come down the street in a 74 SR5 te27 and I want a parade....has not happened yet, but I keep looking.  I think the market is in a lull for J tin.  I saw a Mechum or Barret recently and saw a 1969 datsun on the block....do not remember what happened but it was there.  that is what is needed to increase the desire for our cars.....Jay Leno buys a 1974 corolla......watch what happens after that.

    anyway, no time for panic.....just keep doing what we are doing and as they say...For the Love of the game.

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  4. Thank you for the input and kind words.....I am going into a sit and wait mode, I have decided to not attend the car show next weekend for many reasons but mostly I think it is better to sit back and wait for a bit.  I have my eye on a 21 window 66 VW bus on my buddys property that has been sitting for 15 years.  if you want to see a forum which is still flourishing it is VW Samba....lots of activity and very high prices.  I am not in this hobby to make money...that is for sure, I will loose on my current build and be lucky to break even on my next 3 builds.  I do it because I have always enjoyed making old things look new.....from the post high school days of doing tile work and walking into a customers kitchen and within 4 days transforming it.....I think that is where the bug started.  I have no problem spending 2 months doing body work if I know at the end of the day it passes my standards..which are high.  Times are interesting right now and I agree that the love for our cars will maintain and possibly increase, but it may take that one person who is willing to put their car on Barrett Jackson to see what kind of money it draws........probably a bit early for that but it would help jump start the J tin.


  5. Interesting.....I do not do social media so this is news to me.  either way, it should not kill the desire for these cars or I may be not seeing the big picture.  VIa faceplant or any other media....the want for our J tin should be the same, regardless if it by way of forum or social media.  I have a great project car on craigslist with minimal interest.  I have 3 more cars to build after this one....wife is going to be pissed if I loose money on these.....never would have thought that when I picked them up.  thanks for the feedback, it helps put things in perspective.




  6. been a bit since I have logged on here but just wondering what the climate is down under for the classic J-tin.  Here in the states it looks like the desire is declining quickly.  The forum activity is minimum, one of the forums is ending soon.  I have a classic 1974 TE27 SR5 clone project for sale and has drawn almost no interest.  DO not get me wrong, next weekend is the JCCS at the queen mary in Long Beach and there will be a crowd with 300-400 cars....but these are the die hards.  I have only dove into this adventure in the last 10 years but in that time I have seen a change here....very curious if this decline is seen down south or even in Canada.  would like to hear any feedback or thoughts...thanks.




  7. had to do a bit of research due to my previous email account being hacked and transferring to another...but I found [email protected]. some things to know about grant.....this is not about money for him, he does it because he loves his work and provides a service that none others do. his work is second to none and I mean....none. perfection. you may have to wait several months to get your materials, but the wait is worth it. The JCCS car show in Long Beach this past september.....both first and second place cars had interiors done by grant......mine second. he is the best.

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  8. thank you for the feedback. it may be awhile before I get to this issue because of starting my next project....1969 RT52 2 door corona.....need to get it out of the weather and grinded down and primed before surface rust gets much worse. The other issue I have with the starter is that it skips????or slips and misses the engagement. I know this is probably not good long term because it is most likely damaging the teeth. I will dive back into this in a few months.

  9. I just purchased front and rear screen seals for $130 each US.from Cabe Toyota in long beach. the door seals I used on my SR5 TE27 fit perfectly. one side has green plastic clips, the other had red...for passenger and driver side. I wish I could tell you where I got them from but it was probably Rick at Toyhead auto.....he still has them listed on his website as available.......disregard that...just checked, he does offer them but they do not come with plastic clips. try o get pictures prior to buying and check out what type of clips they have.....if they have the green and red clips, should be good.

  10. one other issue is your transmission type. the location of the shifter is different on the T40 vs T50....T50 sits a couple inches further back.. that would be an issue trying to fit the center console which were only offered on S5 and SR5 models, both of which had T50 5 speed trannys.

  11. I am in the states....I have two of these consoles. one is the air conditioner style the other not. I just ordered an original untouched very good condition console from Javier in Spain and paid US $1500. a good console with minimal damage goes for us$300 - $500. I can part with both of mine but the AC one would have to go with the entire AC set up at $500 US. shipping is the problem....would probably be $200.

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