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Everything posted by Ke20peanut

  1. Thanks for all the info. I'll just get nee adr approved bucket seats then. Its just a pain as its quite difficult to find seats that fit into a ke20 but il have to do it anyway to be on the safe side.
  2. Not too sure if this is the right section to post this but here goes. Hi everyone, recently purchased a ke20 2 door coupe with qld mod plate done way back in the year 1995. Its got all the codes to legally cover the mods done to it. The car was previously fully regoed in qld before it was kept away in storage for years. My question is: it has LK1 code which is for the 2 seater conversion, fixed back bucket seats and 4 point racing harness. However, the seats are fiberglass and i can't find any sticker, label, stitching on the seat to say they are adr approved. The previous owner however verbally stated that they were the seats on it when it was mod plated in 1995. For the purpose of getting a rwc for rego application, Do I need to get new adr approved bucket seats then? Can i still use adr approved fixed back fiberglass seats? Or are fiberglass seats bot allowed in qld full stop? The seats look quite old but the finish is very good and professional, it appears to be a mass produced product judging on the finish. All inputs are much appreciated. Thanks.
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