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Posts posted by 13bke26

  1. So it's been a while since an update... The rotary had served me well, but after wanting to be able to put the car through more challenging obstacles, it's time to move on.. I sold the motor, box and ecu. After seeing what the QLD boys were achieving I decided to go 1jz. I want to be able to do drag challenge next year and this seemed like the best option.. Gearbox wise I was going to go turbo 400 but after driving a powerglide for the first time I was hooked.. It definitely suits my kind of driving and future driving events I want to compete in... I have also purchased a Haltech elite.. Here are some progress pics and I'll be sure to start updating again



  2. Bit of an update.. After a motor freshen up and a string of problems, the car finally got tuned and went out and hit the track last night... 2nd pass out went 1.34 to 60' and 6.3 to half 107mph, then backed off for an 11.1 77mph.. A couple passes in between trying to get it out of the hole better, couldn't do so and the last pass we had, we threw everything at it, still fried em off the line 1.6 60' and still managed a 10.3 131mph..


    Here's a vid of the quickest run... Will have more vids up later

  3. New p.b set at the drags... Went 10.6 128mph. Car went straight as a die all the way... But day did have its downsides, found with more boost, the engine isn't breathing enough, needs a bigger catch can and lines. Oil pressure went through the roof an spat out the oil filler tube.. Put oil everywhere :( also the gearbox is slipping a bit due to an issue that happened a few months ago, so it's coming out again... Pleased that it went into the 10's but there could be a low 10 high 9 sooner rather then later..


    New number plates have been ordered

  4. Bit of an update, car went to the engineer the other day.. Got a list of things to look at, 4 minor quick fixes which I've already nearly completed. And one major thing with the way the front end sits he isn't happy about.. Other then that it passed noise easily - 86db @ 4000rpm and passed the brake test with ease.. So it shouldn't be too long now until it is on the streets

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