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Everything posted by goldx

  1. So I don't sound to much like a whinger, I have seen a good piece on fortunecity about a 2tgeu with 4agze blower added :jamie: it even goes into how to do it, he uses therefor also looses the aircon mount for the blower, my lil bom has orig air con so keeping it in this climate is probably more desirable for me. This is something I would look at over a period of trips south on holidays(well that what I say to the other half, I call them parts missions), for this to work the EFI does need to be running and all conected correctly.
  2. Have thought about it, and even going for a 4a, the mr2 motor, but a part from all the little extras I need (and can't get that easy) to do it right I live in a remote area, great fun when we didn't have speed limits, but just crap when there's only one wrecker$$$$$$$$$$ for anything and 350+km to get to the next, then they say what's a ta22. After that it's the know how deptment, machinists, auto elects they all have enough work with out the tricky stuff like mine, :jamie: thats where if I can get the info I can do a fair bit myself. When I was down south I looked into the 4a option and about $2500 with g/box and loom, yeah ok, but $2800 for shipping so sorta rethought my options. Sorry no pic on dial up it just takes to long to load.
  3. I have recently obtained a 2tgeu EFI inlet, ta45 ecu, loom and air flow sensor and now i want to fit on to my 2tg(I believe used to be 2tgeu, when imported), so my ta22 can run smooth all day every day instead of coughing 3 days a fortnight between tunes, it has twin solexs'. :wub: Will I loose any power? :jamie: Can anyone tell me where I can get vaccuum schematics and wiring diagram(color coded) as my motor has still got some sensors and this loom that I have has some cut wires? ;)
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