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Registering Se20Det Ke70 In Adelaide??


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Hey guys, first post so bear with me. Jus wondering if anyone has any info on registering my sr20det ke70 in Adelaide. It has mod plates for the engine, gearbox and diff. Was engineered in qld. Do they recognise in Adelaide?? And also with mods such as front mounted cooler, BOV (plumb back), suspension, wheels.....are they going to pass such mods?? Any info would be much appreciated!! Cheers

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Each state although has different requirements they reciprocate other states,


When I transfer mine to the NT, I showed my cert and they passed it, cause I have harnesses needed retractable seatbelts to comply with ADR, but QLD don't need them


you will likely to be all good but be prepared for something to comply

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Yea I rang vic roads and asked them about the engine conversion and stuff, and told them it was mod played in qld. They said it would be fine, as long as I had a roadworthy cert. As I'm moving to Adelaide I'm jus gonna keep it off the road til I move, jus hoping it's nothing to major! More worried about the intercooler and stuff! Cheers for the heads up!

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Why did you ring vicroads, they can't tell you anything about registering it in SA. You will need to contact DTEI and ask them. You will need an inspection done and there's a good chance they will issue you with a statement of requirements. There is a form you can fill out that you fill in the details of the modifications and they respond with criteria you need to meet. I suspect you will have a hard time, but thats heresy until you call them.

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Only reason I rang vic roads was because I was going to register it here, but seeing as though I'm moving in a few months, didn't see the point of going through the same stuff twice! Thanks for the advice, wil give them a call. No doubt they wil pick the s#*t out of it! Lol. Annoying cause you see so many rusted out bombs on the road in all states, commodores that sit on there ass! Ahwell rules are rules! Thanks again.

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