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Posts posted by TerrySchmiddy

  1. haha thats sick, alright! I had a look at Ke Conversions and they're actually really reasonably priced too! $250 for a full mount kit seems pretty good to me! just to clear things up, are there any particular pedal boxes i should be looking for that are a direct bolt in, like a te31/37 pedal box? or is it easier to adapt either a ke35 or ta22 one with the necessary components?

  2. 0 offset 7" wheels are supposed to fit flush with the guards. 8" gives a little bit of poke and with some slight guard rolling and tyre stretching, they look sick! but anything more than that requires huge flares and a powerful enough engine to turn the wheels. 3k and 4k engines are underpowered as it is, an extra 10 kilos on each wheel wouldn't do them any good. I just fitted some 14x6.5 simmons v5's on my ke35 and they're just short of flush on the fronts but I've yet to try them on the back, just waiting on some tyres :)

  3. alright, so i reset the plug gap about a week ago to 0.8 like you guys said, tried to start it and, nothing!

    it gave a bit of a kick first time then it was completely out so I'm assuming thats the starter motor shitting itself :/

    kind of annoying but of well. So basically just wondering if anyone had a 3k starter motor laying around they'd want to send out to me haha

    i told some mates and they said they'd help out this weekend with it but id like to put in another one at the same time if at all possible so if anyones got one, let me know! please!

    if not ill have a bit of a play around with it but bottom line is, i just want to drive the thing! its been sitting for too long and I'm missing it! been about 2 months off the road because of its issues! hopefully this will sort them out ;)


  4. Thanks dude! i set them at 1.1mm this afternoon based on what others had said in a separate post. They weren't too clear though and some people said 1.1, some said 0.8, some said certain types can't be reset, some gave advice on different series' engines... Overall it wasn't very helpful so its good to have a simple, clear answer like that! thanks heaps for the reply ;)

  5. ok i might give that a go!

    As for the push start, its underneath a pergola at the moment thats hard enough to get out of when the car actually is running, i haven't even attempted to try push it out before. Unless its out of the pergola i don't have the space to do a push start unfortunately.


  6. hi,

    my ke35 has been having some problems recently. Firstly, the starter motor solenoid is stuffed, it won't stop cranking, but the most annoying part about that is that the engine itself isn't actually firing and starting up. So, i decided today id have a go at trying to get it going so we can at least drive it to an auto electrician to get a proper diagnosis on the starter motor, hopefully even fix it. At the moment I'm just trying to rule off things that could be causing the starting issues. Its getting fuel fine, so thats no worries, so i think I'm not getting any spark. Just got a new battery so thats fine and although the starter motor is draining on the battery it shouldn't stop it from starting all together. Now, i don't have a great understanding of mechanics but to me it seems to be the plugs, if not it'd at least be good to cross them off the list, knowing that they're fine. They're relatively new looking NGK BP5EY's and looking over the forums, they're the stock 3k/4k plugs. The only problem is apparently theres supposed to be a number next to the part number, which tells the gap, but mine doesn't have this, it just has BP5EY |||| JAPAN. I can take a photo of them if it'd help but in the end i just want to get the car going. Also, id love to hear if anyone else has similar starter motor problems and how they fixed them. Cheers!



  7. would love to hear some updates on this thing! I love the photo of you at 16 with your rolla, because funnily enough, 25 years later and I'm in the same position ;) just another 16 year old with a mustard yellow ke35 haha

    if you're still having trouble deciding on the bumpers, you could go for a japanese look and take them off all together, even slant your rectangular lights for a kaido racer look as theres no other ke corollas around with that look at the moment as far as I'm aware of. it'd suit your over fenders and minilites too!

    anyway, chuck us some more photos and updates if you get a chance! cheers!



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  8. Its a little bit big for my liking. Not to mention, judging by the distinct lack of a clutch in the concept car, they don't even have it in a proper manual. I know autos are supposed to be faster these days but how did toyota's motives change so quickly? from driver feel and connectivity to both the car and the road with the GT86, to now being all about automatic shifting and huge speeds in the FT1. Like, no doubt the body of it looks amazing but it really doesn't impress me in terms of the driveline.

    I don't know, i suppose we'll find out if it's ever released ;)

    Whats more exciting to me is the entry-level gt86 with a 1.5 hybrid engine, rwd and with a 6-speed manual that toyota are talking about! Might be the 'new ke corolla' we were all hoping for in the gt86 haha ;)

  9. If anyone is interested, zen garage visited Catalina recently and did a full write up on it, photos and all, much like this one. I think they may have even done a cruise there and back as one of you suggested, as there was a rather large group of them in the photos. They also found an old video of a Datsun 1600 racing around there before it was closed. Again, shame it's not a rolla but you can't have everything hey ;)

    It really gives you an idea of how tight and technical the track was, as well as an idea of its true width and size before it was left to deteriorate.

    Speaking of deterioration, there is now a fallen tree across the track and I'm sure the overgrowth of plants has got worse. Perhaps if we have a cruise there to check it out and people started showing interest in it again there might at least be a chance of someone maintaining it. Who knows, if there's enough publicity and enough interest they may even reopen it!

    Either way, here's the zen garage post. Check it out! :)



  10. Dude! This thing is looking sick! I've seen photos of your car around the place but for some reason I never found the thread...

    Until now! And I'm so glad I did! Everything about it just works so well! The fender mirrors tying into the chrome of your SSRs, the boot spoiler, stopping the body lines drooping too far and bringing back a more aggressive look, not to mention the fitment of those wheels are absolutely heavenly! And then there's the nardi... Holy shit! Ahahahaha

    Simply put, for a daily, this is the best ke30 I've ever seen if not the best daily driven car I've ever seen!

    Keep at it man! I'm keen for the video! Haha

  11. Wow! Just read the build from start to finish and it truly is inspirational man! The amount of time and effort that you put into the paintwork is so motivating, yet daunting, because I have several spots on my ke35 that I need to tap out and repaint at some stage. I'm just afraid it will go in the direction of a full respray and I definitely don't have the money for that on VERY casual part-time rates haha! Honestly though, most of your photos don't seem to do the car justice! Before seeing close ups of the paint and the details of the bumper, lights and grille I couldn't understand why the car won car of the year. To me it just looked like a stock ke20, but its not until you see the details and the areas where you obviously spent countless hours perfecting, when you realise the understated beauty of the craftsmanship and dedication put into the car. I couldn't even imagine what this would look like in person! You deserve a huge pat on the back, because this thing really is - in all honesty - one of the most beautiful cars, let alone corollas, that I've ever seen! You're a lucky guy to own such a masterpiece!

  12. Nice work man! It looks like a much cleaner version of mine haha ;) I'm not so sure about the iPhone and audio set up though... Something about big speakers, LED lights and touch screens in a corolla just don't work for me man :/ but the paint and the engine look great!

    Just wondering, how does the new engine and 5speed compare to the old 3k? I'm thinking of doing an engine conversion sometime down the line, just not sure which way to go. I'd like a 2tg or 18rg but one of my mates was telling me 4k with a 3k head works alright. Do you think I'd be better off with one of those options or a 4/5/7k engine?

  13. Just read this thread and holy shit! I swear to god this is probably the best looking ke55 that ever existed! I just got one and the inspiration this car has given me... I'm speechless man, it is almost too awesome! :)

    It's such a shame that its gone now, but such a beautiful car won't be forgotten very quickly! There are some parts of this car that are definately going to be seen in my car and I really don't doubt that there have been many others who have been motivated and inspired by your car as well.

    It's good that you were able to get another rolla to work your magic on. Hope you have the best luck with future builds man!

  14. Name: Marcus


    Car: 1977 ke35 coupe


    Motor & Driveline: 3k-c with a 4 speed manual


    Suspension & Brakes: ? (Probably stock)


    Wheels & Tyres: stock


    Interior: rough to say the least. No headlining or carpet, 5 cracks in the dash, and the vinyl seats are pretty well shredded! Speedo cable is shot so no way of telling the speed other than judging off the other traffic and/or the Tom Tom.


    Body: a few small scratches and dents, but is almost COMPLETELY rust free!


    Other: aftermarket taco and central locking. I've had the car for one day now, every time I look at it my face just lights up with happiness. When I drove it for the first time I absolutely adored the raw feel of the car. I love how nimble it is but mainly just how awesome it looks. I honestly can't say much for the performance but every other aspect of the car is truly amazing!




    in the near future, the only plan is to figure out a nice suspension setup and a set of SSR MK3s (if funds permit)

    For the suspension, I'm thinking either

    1. xt130 struts with otomoto coilover sleeves

    2. Modified ae86 coilovers

    In the back, lowering blocks and an extra leaf for stiffness


    after I get sick of the 3k/4spd combo ill be looking for a 2tg or a 4age with a 5 spd box and a 2way


    As far as mechanical experience goes, I've changed a flat before and poked around some rust in an old morris. Not much, but I love tinkering with stuff and I learn pretty quick so I'm hoping this build goes to plan.


    I'd love some advice on anything at all with the rolla.







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