Help! So I put MSD 6AL and blaster coil in the 2tc for my TE31.
Car ran awesome, then no-start issues,
charged batt, and new alt. even used a jump and my truck batt which has way more cranking amps.
did the msd spark test, msd works fine.
replaced cap, rotor, pickup coil, plugs, cleaned all ground straps and batt straps and posts, replaced starter(cause i fried the old one trying to start the dam car) after new starter, car cranked up and ran then died after 3min.
the msd led light should flash each time the dizzy spins past the pickup coil. well it doesnt and no spark again, when cranking the msd doesnt blink with rotation, it did for a minute but stopped.
new pickup coil reads 130 ohms which should be ok. old reads 110
Bypassed msd to old ignition module and coil. No spark still!!!! :wtf:
What did I miss, something simple I'm guessing but my head hurts from trying. :bash: :hmm: :doh: 8/ :drgrim: :bright: :danger: