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Front End Troubles


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Have an xt130 front end in my ksev, I noticed the other day the 1 side sits nearly an inch lower then the other, and that on the same side the tire sits flush with the outside of the guard, where as the other side tucks in.

Have had a wheel alignment, checked the springs- same height same number of coils etc.

Can't figure out what's going on,

Suggestions please.

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Only if they're gas and one has gone flat, or if a shaft is bent and jamming...


What did the wheel alignment guy say? He should have measured the paralell track on each side. Are the cambers the same??


When you say the springs are the same height, that is measured from the base cup tp the spring top in car?? Can you measure from the base cup down to the bottom of the strut accurately?


I'd say mismatched struts and/or lower control arm, the sad alternative would be a bent chassis mount.

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I've put everything in myself, the shocks are hand me down yellow inserts from a mates sprinter they were too stiff for him. I'm running xt130 lca's, I've measured the free height of the springs I'll remeasure now they are in.

The wheel alignment bloke said he got everything even as possible but I might take it somewhere else for a second opinion.

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Well on a flat smooth garage floor, pull some heavy cotton or fine hard string around the car under the tyres. Draw along the string with fine chalk or a thick pencil or whatever. Drive the car out, extend the drawn lines to the corners of a rectangle and measure the two diagonals.


That will tell you how far out that wheel is, and how it may be an optical illusion in the guard. There's probalby other ways to get a line down the center axis of the car, or paralell lines down each side, and see if that wheel really does stick out or not. Its certainly very odd if everything is matched side to side.

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