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Posts posted by godlovesugly

  1. ^^^ Use the GHOST perk and complete the challenges for it, when you are able to buy Ghost Pro do that and equip it and the chopper gunners/UAVs/sentry guns etc can't see you. I use the same perks most of the time, Ghost pro, hacker pro and steady aim pro (helps to stab faster).


    lately ive been playing Battlefield BC2 and loving it, I can spend hours just strapping C4 to a quad bike and hunting down tanks... all they see is this quad bike hammering at them then i jump off and let the bike roll into the tank and BOOOOM!!!!

  2. bernieboy are they actual TE27 flares?? that thing looks awesome!! I'm just curious because i have some te27 flares for my KE25, but if you have used other flares that don't require the KE25 guards to be cut id be interested in getting a set.


    i'll get some pics of my wheel fitment this weekend. my wheels are pretty well flush at the back, but stick out a few mm at the front, 14x7s not sure of the offset. ill get a pic with the SSRs fitted as well.

  3. I've got two complete sets of the above gauges. :)


    Lookin' good!



    nice one!! id love to go over to Japan or the US and pick up as many dashes, grilles and fender mirrors as possible. they are only going to increase in value/rarity as time goes on. but if i had my time over i think id seriously consider importing a genuine jap TE27.... i still might do it one day.

  4. ok i went and picked up the minilites and the stud pattern was wrong so cross minilites off the list, oh well ive still got a set of SSR MK2s sitting here :)


    me and a mate finished put in the TE27 dash tonight, i didnt get any pics during the install but ive got to put in better backing lights so ill get some pics of the back because one plug was a bitch and seeing what my mate did will help anyone who does this in the future


    this is the front of it anyway, its missing one light cover but besides that everything works




    edit: damn it i only just noticed the little black thing in the middle of the covers is missing!!

  5. Well from the top...


    Trev: Actually funny you mention the old owner. a week after having it on the road I looked up his address again and could only see his wife listed ;) THough He had passed. But went over anyway to show her possible him and both were still there :wink: And he loved it they were both nearly in tears and kept telling me I had done a great job was awesome to see it back on the road with the twin carbies etc all back on.


    They asked lots of questions since he raced it a bit like is it fast win races in town etc..LOL Had to laugh. SO they throughly liked me taking it back to them was there for about 2 hours while they crawled over it I took them for a spin etc think I made their year.


    Was funny at first I rocked up they couldn't see the car parked on the drive way and they though I was selling stuff took a bit to get them to come look soon as they saw the car they remembered :laff:



    Love the car and I love that you showed the old owners how good it looks now. id be stoked if I got to see one of my old corollas all restored back to its original beauty, I'm sure you did make their year.

  6. ^^^ Can you post a pic of your board collection??

    Transformers are dope too, do you have the OG Otpimus with the trailer that opens up?? I can't remember what it opened up to, but I remember I got that Optimus after I finished learning how to swim when I was a toddler, I hated swimming but I loved Optimus so mum had to bribe me :-)


    Ive skated for a good 12 years now and one thing ive always regretted is not keeping some boards, but when you average a new board every 2 weeks its a bit hard to collect any, they always end up being ridden. when I was a kid I had this desk that was litterally covered in the most awesome old school skate stickers you've ever seen, it was a hand-me-down from a family friend who skated and if I could get back anything from my youth it would be that desk. i still remember the old powell stickers and bones brigade and all that class shit. damn, I'm gonna have to skate tonight :-)


    in my spare time I skateboard, dominate call of duty on xbox live, go fishing or enjoy some food and beverages at one of the local pubs. I don't really collect anything anymore but I used to have a shitload of Manga videos, that was before downloads and DVD.

  7. hey mate i got the flares off a guy on this site (.T.) and the lip off ebay. I havent even test fitted any of them yet so I'm not sure how the quality is, but ill have my car back tonight so ill test fit them this weekend and let you know how it goes.


    so yeah ive finally got my blue slip done, it was a pain in the arse and i vow to never let a car get to the blue slip stage again.


    hopefully ill be picking up some 14x7 minilites this weekend and finishing off the TE27 dash install.

  8. ..... The horns......wtf is up with the horns?



    the horns arent part of football, they are part of south african sport.


    maybe instead of bitching about sports you don't like you should concentrate on things you do like, because all you've done with every post in this thread is show your ignorance.

  9. i seen a post the other day where someone said they preferred 13in hotwires, but they are hard to find and expensive in 4 x 110.


    heres a set:




    and a set of 15in watanabes in 4 x 110, if I didnt already have a set of MK2s id consider buying these, but they arent cheap:




    if my links don't work just search "4x110" in ebay.

  10. i always thought they were KE25 garnishes. ive seen the other styles and I like the ones ive got the most so they are staying, I'm not trying to build something thats got every perfect part (although that would be sweet) I just want a cool corolla to drive on the weekends and take on the occasional cruise. speaking of cool, I just got some TE27 flares delivered :-D and the 25 is at the blue slip man right now being inspected

  11. new tailshaft and gearbox are in and they feel so much better than the old worn out pieca. engine has a bit of a flat spot which hopefully we'll get sorted today, then i just need to take a look at the brakes because they feel spongy and if I can sort that shit out it will be going in for a blueslip this arvo :)


    we ended up taking the tacho dash out for now because the speedo was playing up a little but that will definitley be installed as soon as the car is registered. ive got some TE27 flares currently in the post that I should get tomorrow and they'll be put asap and then it will be lowered, and driven as much as possible..... i don't plan on driving my camry for at least a fortnight once the corolla is registered


    this is how she looked after a good clean last night:




    the cream 20 on the left is my old corolla that is now my mates, his boss (the workshop owner) is going to turn it into a 2 litre race car, ive already bet him a case of jonnhy walkers that I can lap it faster than he can so I know ill get at least one run in it lol



  12. my old KE20 with 3tc and T50 came with a weigh bridge printout that said 860kgs, I'm going to go see the new owner in the next couple of days so i'll try and get a scan of it. this KE20 is being turned into a race car so I should be able to find out the weight after ripping everything out as well


    i should have my KE25 back this week. its got an NA bigport, T50 and T series diff so ill weight that sucker and let you know what it comes out at. I need to know the weight anyway because I want to piss off the rear sets and get it registered as a two seater, so it would be nice to have a before and after weight to compare.

  13. there is a forum just for the 3TC engine, I can't search for it from work but it does exist and there are some crazy tdrag cars on there. I'm sure ive seen an TE7x corolla on there that is tubbed. also youtube turbo 3tc and you'll find something

  14. You sure you're not confusing double-clutching with heel-and-toe? Double-clutching requires pushing the clutch pedal in, shifting the gearbox into neutral, letting the clutch pedal out again, matching the engine revs of the gear you need to change in to, pushing the clutch back in and then changing into the gear you want. Heel-and-toe is "blipping" the throttle in the middle of a single-clutch gearchange whilst on the brakes (hence the "heel-and-toe" as traditionally your toe was on the brake pedal and your heel was on the accelerator) and the engine is free-spinning (ie clutch is disengaged).


    Double-clutching on a fully synchro-ed box (ie pretty much all cars made in the last 20-30 years) is useless and slower than heel-and-toe. I've learnt to be able to shift gears cleanly and at high rpm/throttle in the AE102 before the clutch pedal has even hit the firewall, so already the motion of the clutch pedal is the slowest part of the system - a double-clutch would require two such movements, and thus would be even longer. Essentially you "punch" the clutch pedal in at a split second before you shift gears, if you time it right then your foot and the pedal essentially bounce off the firewall (or the end of the pedal stroke, or whenever you choose to pull-out) with no time spent with the clutch fully disengaged and the pedal motionless.



    thanks for clearing that up Hiro. I always knew what heal and toe was and I just assumed when people said "double clutching" thats what they meant. Double clutching sounds like double the work so I can't see how it would be quicker unless you had a gearbox that needs it... I've driven my ke25 with no clutch (the cable snapped) before and I definitley didnt master it (a blown T50 proves I suck) but I did notice that if you shift at certain revs it shifts so quick and smooth its crazy..... taking off from a stand still was another matter though.

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