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Everything posted by slind_ke

  1. yea I'm on ae86 with the same name. I'm guessn ur paulie from ae86??
  2. sweet thanks heaps guys for the info! definatly gonna look in to this :sob: ifany1 has anything 2 add that would be great to thanks again Jack
  3. alright thanks 4 that. is there any other things that are difficult/ important bout this kinda conversion?? I'm guessing its basically the same as doing an SR20DET conversion jus without all the turbo gear. any help will be great!:sob:
  4. oh k cool thanks, is is hard converting the clutch?? I'm tryn 2 find stuff but not coming up with much.. thanks 4 ur help mate
  5. hey guys, jus wondering if anyone knows someone that has done this conversion. I'm thinkn bout put 1 in a ke70 track car. jus wondering how difficult it would be and it would need many custom parts etc.. any help will be much appreciated. cheers Jack
  6. noooo i loved that mag!!! but HPI decent aswell. damn that sucks!! :cool:
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