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Posts posted by benpedder

  1. youve got uself a sweet base for a project.


    you would have to be stoked its an early model aswel!!


    looking forward to seeing the progress shots.


    cheers, scott



    yeah i was really happy when i first got it i thought it looked really nice, i really like older smaller cars like this. then i got straight onto google and searched for done up ones and came across that blue KE so i was like :lolcry: oh yeahh haha

  2. Congrats on getting yourself one, good to get into them as early as you can ! :lolcry:


    Are you thinking about running a similar engine to that inspiration of yours ?



    in the end hopefully yes. once i get the money (prob take quite a few years) i want to make it as clean as possible. maybe make it a part time show car. :dance:


    This used to be my old car. I worked with your dad at pedder's suspension

    I owned it for a couple of months before I sold it to your dad.

    The bootlid was like it when I got it, It runs a 4k 1300cc motor, originally they were a 3k 1200cc.

    I own a couple of 1973 ke20's, the later model with the larger tailights and different grille.

    Great to see you restoring it, keep the pics coming

    Cheers, Mark. :dance: :lolcry:



    oh sweett =D did you put in the speakers in the back??? i gotta say sanding is the most boring thing i have ever done :y: haha

  4. Whats that rear view mirror off. I like it.


    What motor you running?


    good start for a project! I will be running similar wheels on my ke20.


    i honestly have no idea haha :P i could go take a photo of the engine and post it.?

  5. well for my birthday last year my dad got me a 1971 ke20 here are some pics of my first two stages of fixing it up









    i am 16 and hve done it all myself so far with a tad of help from my dad. the boot on it is screwed and all out of shape on the left when it was brought it has been reversed into a pole or something and had a huge dent in it. my dad got most of it out but its stil out of shape. does anyone know where i could maybe get a new one from.. preferably cheap. (:



    i am hoping the finished product will look something like this http://www.insightmotorsports.com.au/media/v/cust_cars/ke20/ especially with the interior would anyone know if it would be difficult to do it like that. i have no experience with cars or anything at all hah so any tips about getting a new engine and all the modifying and stuff would be greatly appreciated.



    sorry bout the pictures being massive, not sure how to make it small

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