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Posts posted by benpedder

  1. Have you been guide coating and sanding to find the high/low spots ?



    not yet once we get primer on dad is going to mist the car with black paint then just rub the black off with a long sanding block thing, that way it will show where everytihng is :P

  2. I'm a painter and i have to sand nearly everyday, Been doing it for just on 11 years now.

    The finished product does come down to how much effort you put in on the prep.


    With seeing if you have any misses, get a big 500w halogen flood light (you can buy them from the hardware store for about 15-20 bucks) Get it as close as you can to the body of the car and shine it down the side of the pannels. That way it will show you if there are anything you still need to sand (or fill)



    thanks for the tip :D with the car nearly ready to be painted i don't want it be not work out properly :P

  3. Is there any "trick" to seeing whether you have missed any parts. jsut from a quick look i can't see any more shiny bits but i don't want to paint it and then have the paint go gay and have to restart :P

  4. this is going to be a cool car once its finished ill be keeping an eye on it I'm about to start the exact same project



    good stuff. so far it has been the most boring time of my life, haha i swear after this I'm NEVER touching sandpaper again :P

  5. yerr well i guess i will have to go with the same kinda blue.

    dad sprayed this putty paint stuff onthe roof when he was fixing that, and heaps of overspray got on my windows :P


    he says it will come off easy but will it?? haha

  6. **UPDATE**



    all that is left to be sanded is the grill part, then once dad fixes the boddy work this car shall be painted :P


    iwant it blue again but not sure whether to go for light or dark? any suggestions.

  7. Clean them all up and trial fit them. Then stand back and see what you think.

    I am thinking the current ones at the moment, but would need to see them on the

    car and compared to the others.


    yeah, the first set of spares have another lot of tyres for them and they have white writing, they look nice as. :D



    Looks like you got your work cut out for you on this car, it's good to see so much motivation going into her and i think it's great that your dad is helping you with it. I reccon the spare #2 would be cool. I''m a fan of deep dish rims on old cars.


    Just an idea about you dash... Fill up all the cracks on top with body filler then buy some leather or vinyl and glue it on. That would be a cheap fix.. Might look alright. Another idea it make a new top peice out of Mdf though i think that would be very tricky and a lot of stuffing around. Just thought of those ideas when i was writing this post.



    it is great havign a mechanic for a dad. :) tyres for the second set arent being made anymore my dad said its like something by 70 across, they are quite wide and owuld stick out the side a fair bit, and I'm not a big fan of flares,


    and for the dash, that isnt a bad idea :( i might ask dad if we could try it.


    cheers. :P

  8. that third set of jellys would look good.

    don't go bigger, just use them.



    unfortunately dad was tellin me when i got them that they don't make the tyres that are as wide as them anymore which sucks but i have some that fit, just wont look as good :P and the tyres on them now are screwed, was on dads friends car for a couple years and they were flat the whole time so the yare screwed.

  9. i didnt want them because they look all bling they just looked cool.



    current wheels



    second set



    third set


    bit dull atm but will be cleaned up, i polished one of the mand it came up good now i gotta get round to doing the rest.


    now they don't look like bling

    and i don't NEED bling all i originally asked was whats the biggest that would fit on a ke20 not i am after bling flame me now please.


    that is all

  10. ahkhk i will do that once the car is painted ;) that way moisture wont get on the car with the bare metal parts. don't want it to start gettin bits of rust again :(


    thanks for the tips :)

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