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Ke70 Issue

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Used to happen to me in the middle of summer in 30+ degree days. Temperature didn't effect it but humidity sorta did.


Warning SCIENCE content.


I think it was caused by the velocity of the air increasing in the venturi. This altered the presure and the temperature of the air. Get the air cold enough and wet enough and you get ice building up in the venturi's.


Does yours come in gradually or is it sudden?? If its sudden then forget what I said.


By the way Rob, you forget what it was like don't you :cool:

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hmmm yes what your saying is definetly plausible i guess. but yeah mine happens suddenly. i don't think the temps could drop so suddenly that they freeze up like that.

i would seriously never even have thought of that hey.


i put some poor mans heat shielding on the fuel hose today. (some of that coiled plastic stuff and them a bit of garden hose lol) and i checked the fuel pump. it was barly even pumping. couldn't even draw fuel into the filter. so i swapped that. i also swapped the coil back to the standard coil.


after this it seemed to be running really well. but then on the way to my mates house to drop off some tools i borrowed it did it again. well, not nearly as bad. wound out in 3rd it seems to just loose power. not violently just felt like as if you suddenly took your foot off the peddle. but the peddle was flat to the floor.


let throttle out then after a bit it seemed fine again. did it twice more on the way to my friends house so we did a bit of fault finding while i was there.

we checked the plugs and they were a really light brown, indication of running really quite lean from the color. so we wound out the mixture screw a bit (:cool: it was already a fuel guzzler) then re adjusted the idle. i was really happy at this stage as it was idling better then ever before judging by the feel of the rev and the sound it was making.


so i headed back home and same thing happen.


the mixture didnt change anything.


so after today this is the plan.


new leads

get the dwell tester out and do the timing and do the spark gaps

see how ti goes.


if all that fails i guess it truly is time for swapping back from the 32/36 to the stocko carb :D


at least it is driveable now and it isnt trying to self destruct anymore. so much better behavior then before


ill keep you guys posted

Edited by Captain_Fantastic
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well the carby it's self is insulated by the intake manifold, so it doesnt actually get that hot compared to other bits, and the standard set up doesnt have special a special heat shield there so i figured that the webber wouldn't either. from memory doesn't it actually have like a mechanism for heating up the underside of the intake manifold using the exhaust from stock?


and even if the heat insulation of garden hose might not be great, its definitely better then nothing.


after doing all this the car seemed to be running a bit better now. however still getting the problem every now again.


i still hadn't got the new leads yet though so i headed around to my mates house where there was a wrecked Nissan bluebird. apparently the engine had been rebuilt arround 10 000k ago so i assumed that meant the leads only had 10 000k on them. this was alot better then the amount of k's mine had on them so i swapped them ovre and honestly the car hasnt run this well since i put that motor in.


seems to be fixedzored now so i am really happy, thanks for all your help and suggestions guys :cool:

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