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In the spirit of the new Herbie movie being released (starring Lindsay Lohan. Mmm, Lindsay Lohan), I have decided to do a little bit of modification to Lola (via computer). To be honest, this is what I had already planned on making her look like, but now everyone can see (even though my MS Paint skills are pretty shitty).


BTW, the number isn't set in stone. I rather like 69 as well. :D







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Sounds like an interesting trip down 70's memory lane wyldephyre. I've been told that I won't be able to paint straight over the grey undercoat on my car because it will have absorbed moisture and will expand. Does this sound right? I thought it sounded a bit like a crock, but am not sure (this is my first project car).

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Do you reckon it'd be worth blasting back all of the paint work and starting from bare metal? I'm not going to strip it back to a bare shell, but I figured it might provide a better result if I at least stripped back the exterior paint.

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Option 2 sounds a pretty good compromise. What I was originally considering doing was just buying a few cans of spray paint and just spraying on top of the current paint. At least it'd look okay from a distance. The giraffe paint work is going to be there for a while yet though, as I can't validate spending the cash on paintwork on a car that is for race use only.

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Wouldn't know to be honest, but I'd assume that it has been. I'm not to concerned about the look of the car, but I'm worried that as the primer is absorbing moisture (and there's plenty too absorb up here), it will cause rust.

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  • 5 months later...

Decided to dredge up an old topic (because it's mine and I can) as I've been fiddling around in Microsoft Paint again (I'm too cheap to get Photoshop and I probably wouldn't know how to use it anyway.


Here's Lola from when I first took her racing:




Here's one of my earlier attempts at showing what I want her to look like:




Here's my latest attempt:




I actually would like to paint a number on her in the places shown in early editing attempts, but that would be combined with this latest version with Monaro-style GT stripes, Cobra-style stripe down the side (please note front brake vents), and more yellow paint than primer. Obviously if I'm going to paint the car, I'm going to go over all the old yellow paint with a new batch to make her look brighter and fresher.


I said something once to Alley about my car will end up looking like a Killer Bee. She replied that it would be an African Killer Swarming Bee, as she had recently watched a crap Michael Caine movie about such creatures (I think it was called 'Swarm').

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