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Ae112r Sportivo Owners And Ex Owners


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My mate is looking into purchasing an AE112r Sportivo turbo, he rang me and asked what my thoughts were on them and if I knew of anyone who had or has one that would be able to shed a little light on them, me being an old skool rolla fan couldn’t help him with anything but a few links from this forum.


So anyway i would just like to hear from anyone who has/still owned one and what they love, hate, blew up, broke, fried, twisted, shaved, snapped, stripped...... well I’m just waffling on you all get the point.


Any comments and advice will be greatly greatly appreciated.




Ben and Troy

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OMG where to start.....


I LOVE mine and have put a TON of work into it...having said that I've replaced just about everything, but I think mine was a lemon to start with, I've just fixed her up... :)



Limited edition, there were only 110 made, 10 were used for crash purposes and then I think 10 went to Canberra for rally and I'm sure a couple have been written off so they really are UNIQUE and RARE

great sporty looking car,

with the unexpected Turbo - perfect sleeper, it freaks people out ;)

comfy to

massive boot

can still be a family car, but has the get up and boogy when you need to make a point

you can modify it and get good gains from simple things



It's FWD, so you have to modify your driving to suit, it's different to driving a RWD car

If you're a guy, you get called a pansy cause you're driving a girls car, shopping trolly, etc., (I don't see it though)

being FWD and having a turbo that kicks in earlier than most, you get a lot of torque steer (until you change your driving style), or you build up enough muscles to control it.

In the wet, you also get wheel spin, when you do that a lot, you go through front tyres at a higher than usual rate AND front CV joints go.

Some original parts are a bit difficult to get, and when you do find them they're usually expensive

the standard toyota exhaust manifold is shit

at around 135K to 146K three owners here have had similar cut out problems, 2 were the ECU (which is expensive to diagnose and repair/replace) and one was the distributor (which wasn't expensive)


All in all, I love mine and If I had have known what I was going to go through BEFORE I bought it, I would have still bought it! If your friend loves the look, feel, performance of it, so long as you get an inspection (for all the nitty gritty things) and it comes up apples, like any car that you love BUY IT! I'd highly recommend getting an extended warranty ;)


Here's a few pics from yesterday...



Good luck :D

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Thanks for the info (this is the mate looking at the car by the way) Good to know your thoughts and is appreciated. Like to know it still has enough boot space as i was wondering about this, ive had 3 family size cars in a row and they do come in handy! This car has 120k on the clock so having the warranty should solve the ecu problem...hopefully!! Any more feedback from people would be much appreciated. p.s. The change from rear-wheel to front-wheel is gonna be interesting and i don't care if i get called a pansy, ill just compare my fuel bill with theirs hahaha!!

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Hey mate ive had one for about a month at the most, LOVE IT. people say that its a girls car (until you take them for a drive :D) but you get over that cause i love my car!!!


baha lesley, this is the one we found then lost then found again.


If i may say so the one at Jarvis is a little overpriced otherwise i would have snapped it up. I took it for a test drive (they prob hated me for it but owel) and was good. That one is nice although with the used car warranty is only valid if you take the car back to them for regular servicing and DO NOT MODIFY IT


I drove mine back from Sydney and used 3 tanks of petrol over the whole trip (approx 1700km) now I'm back averaging 450km from $50


From a male P.O.V:

Great car to surprise people with (had fun with a skyline the other day)

-Handles great, extremely different to a rear wheel drive but mine atm actually oversteers more than understeers.

- pretty much what lesley has said haha.

But nonetheless i fell in love with my car first time i drove it :party: Thats what i would say to anyone buying a car.


From info from previous owner TERMINAL the only prob with my car in the last 4 years was the ECU deciding to stuff itself and need replacing (cost of about $15000) luckily he had a second hand warranty.


Best of luck.

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