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Sams Ke30 Burnout Car


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hey names sam I'm 19 and live in Adelaide aways loved me kexx's and now I'm kinda over ke70s and i thought id buy a ke30,

bought it off a mate for $150

drove it around for a few weeks untill i blew the diff and then realized the head is also cracked as well


so now iv taken out the motor and gear box, was thinking of putting a sr or ca in it but i thought id be different

and go a 5L out of a vn or a 350 chev or something and before you ask no this isnt going to be a street car purely a track car but it may go on a few cruises :P

so far all iv done is take out the motor

started sanding

and flared the guards, will be updating weekly , thanks for looking!







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yeah yeah il finish it haha what i wanna see jake is you finish yours :P


not alot to update still doing the body work teaching myself how to do it haha


slapped some paint on the front gaurd to see what it looks like.. sorry about shitty pictures camera is broken using my phone :bash:


also does anyone have any pointers on what diff i should look into getting shortened and how to get rid of axle tramp! i learnt from my lowdeo with a commodore engine that is a horrible horrible thing!

cheers, Sam



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paint looks dope, ive gotta finish it. my family is giving me shit saying i wont. ive got the bloke who did all the work on my statesman giving me a hand aswell.

i found a shop thats gonna paint it for 400 bucks, but ive gotta go in and give him a hand every day so I'm stoked. ive got a week to do tubs before I'm sending it in there. ive got the upper hand on you though, i earn enough money to just pay people to do everything haha

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i reckon I'm just gonna save up and get billet axles for a 10 bolt for mine, but i reckon just about any v8 diff will be the goods. shit, theres been some 9" around lately for real cheap aswell




also, don't waste your time chuckin a carb on a 304. its a pain in the arse and not worth it. just put efi heads on a 308.

Edited by butler
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