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Miss Flirty 30

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Everything posted by Miss Flirty 30

  1. lol i wish :(( they are shitty rims that i picked up for $150 haha - they do look really overrated in that pic for some reason tho! they are my "for now" wheels, i wanted to get the engine going before i spent big $$ on the wheels that i actually want, but these are going to do the trick for now :lock: - better than cruising round on ugly standard things haha
  2. **update** YAY the crank came back sweet as, its not oval or whatever :insane: :D so next on the agenda for my engine is to get new bearings, rings, water pump, and then gotta get the cam reground... there is other bits and pieces that i need aswel, like air filters for the carbs, oil & filter... the list goes on and on....
  3. Miss Flirty 30 AKA Claire :D currently i have this... KE-30 yes it needs ALOT of work lol, the 4k engine is currently in bits awaiting its rebuild and this is me... posing hahahaha :insane:
  4. and i hope the results are all good :insane: if not... i do have the crank out of the other engine that is lying around in the garage, so if i get up the energy to take that engine apart, i will take that crank in for testing too :D
  5. hey peoples, i need some more help :sad: apparntly the crank out of my engine has gone oval or sumthing?? what does this mean, how do i (or can i) get it fixed? or do i need to get a new one? pleeeeassssssse help me sob i feel so dumb wen things like this happen
  6. we what i want from my engine is decent power, not excessive as its not like I'm going to be putting it down the drag strip or nothing, and I'm not really a "fast" driver, so i really just want a reliable motor that is guna get me from a to b, BUT i want to have the power there for when i need it :D and as for my budget, I'm starting a second job in 2 weeks, so i will have about $600 a month to spend on my car, keeping in mind that my car is stock standard atm and needs a lot of other things done to it aswell ie wheels, paint interior.... (the list goes on & on...) ive set myself a goal finsih date of 30th september this year, I'm hoping that everything will be finished besides the paint by then.
  7. well i guess really what i want to get out of this engine is reliablilty first, then decent power and sound, I'm not expecting great things from this engine, i mean hell, i only paid $100 for it :D but i want an increase from standard ive also been told by a friend of mine who is "in the know" about ke-30's and he suggested that i get get rid of the twin carbs and replace it with a single carb from a 2l cortina, does that sound right? casue he said i will have to tune the twin carbs all the time???
  8. thanks guys, this info was meant for me :P so what i got out of these replies was that i should get a 3k head that has big ports? you will have to excuse me, I'm relativly new to modding engines, and this is the first toyota that ive owned, so if i say stuff that doesnt quite make sence, or seems like a simple question, feel free to laugh at me haha - as long as you correct me afterwards :D
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