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Everything posted by KE30Coupe

  1. Really....damn it. Perhaps if I put up links to other SU's available on Ebay it will distract them :) SU's HERE and also HERE and don't forget HERE and last but not least HERE
  2. I've done all the searches of the Forums & WIKI and Oldrollas FAQ and I think I know generally what I'm looking for. I still have some questions though :) I am currently running a stock 3k however there will be extractors & probably a mild cam at a later date. Looking to end up with a strong, grunty little engine suitable for street & the occasional run in a club level motokhana. On Oldcorollas it says the following So I'll ask the experts out there is this what we are talking about and if so what would be a reasonable price. ebayyyyyy OR do I look to the twin option with something like this Ebay again plus a manifold costing around $110 as quoted here so total cost maybe $200 Given I'm on a very tight budget I was thinking of the weber but I really don't know. Will there be a big difference in performance with the twins Vs the weber given that I'm not planning too many mods at this stage? Thanks in advance.
  3. OK time to show my ignorance for all things mechanical. I've got 3 holes that I don't know what to do with (keep it clean :dry: ) I've attached the pics with arrows showing where they are. When you all have finished laughing at my total lack of knowledge and have composed yourselves please advise what to do with them or what to attach them to. Thanks Oh and its a 3k in a KE30 that still needs a lot of work :sad:
  4. Hmmm I wonder how much it would cost to send a complete motor from Qld to Melb???? If I can get this for $5 it may be worth it :doublebird: EBAY Update: Replaced the sump gasket without taking the engine out :D now I just need to work out what all the holes in the rocker cover connect to and we should be right to attempt the first start. Everytime I look at the old girl I realise there is more to be done. Things I noticed on the weekend that I hadnt noticed before: No choke cable or interior choke switch/pull thingy :doublebird: and nothing is connected to the back of the dash. Oh well we will push on
  5. I'll have the blue car thanks :S Wow thats a lot of pics...........and some very nice vehicles
  6. This is how it started life to see how it all ended click here Link
  7. Hey thanks for the offer Grimwolge I really appreciate it, the Melbourne wreckers are on the wrong side of town and by the time I get over there I probably could of had it sent from QLD and be on the car :D As for spending $800 on a head, maybe in the very distant future, post 5K transplant when the cash is flowing a bit better. Kangaroosa thanks for the details on rolla wreckers.........wrong part of town for me I'm over near the airport but it's good to know that there is somewhere I will be able to get some bits if needed. Final decision........I will make one last desperate attempt on the weekend to locate one near me, if that fails then I will probably contact you Grimwolge to get one sent down as the chances of me getting over to the other side of town in the near future is very slim. Thanks again for the help people. Oh and here is a pic of the little lady just before I bought her, unfortunately I did not get the rims as part of the deal :sad:
  8. I would like a 3k head that has been ported & polished with a nicely ground cam, reseated valves & heavy duty springs...Oh and just a slight shave would be good as well :D Or any 3k head that I can pretty much just bolt straight on without having to muck around with too much. I will finally have 'lalola' running this weekend if all goes according to plan (which it rarely does) however if it is going to be running like a tractor with the 4k head then it wont be much fun to punt around in. As I said the master plan is an upgraded engine eventually however I want to get the best out of what I've got until that time arrives so any 3k head will do for now. Just out of interest how much is not much for freight?
  9. I'm Back :dance: I have been ringing around Melbourne looking for a wrecker that stocks anything k related without much luck. One bloke suggested I just shave the 4k head down and that will solve the compression issue rather than getting a 3k head. I am thinking that this may be a temporary solution as I have decided to get a 5k at some point however finances dictate that it will be a fair way off. So will this be a workable solution rather than continuing my search for a 3k head? Thanks in advance :D
  10. OK then so from what you are telling me and correct me if I'm wrong is that I should either invest in a 4K block or a 3K head because the comprssion will be low. Or get a supercharger.......hmmmm now thats a thought :dance: OK I'll have a look around and see if I can find either...or maybe both and build up another engine for the future. Thanks
  11. Initially I just want to get it running :dance: but the bigger plan is to have a nice little weekender for a bit of fun and the occasional club event....motokhana etc.
  12. OK so I've looked at the head and it has the numbers 8 and 1 between the 3rd & 4th cylinder so I'll have to assume it's a 4K-E head judging by the info above. So the question remains, should I get a 3K head for it or will the 4K head be OK?
  13. I have just entered the world of Corolla ownership with a KE30 coupe. This will be the first of many questions that I will probably ask as I commence the task of getting the little lady running before starting on giving her a extreme makeover. Question 1 The guy I bought it off told me it was running a 4K head on the 3K motor. Is there any way to confirm that the head I have on the motor is a 4K head and if it is should I switch it back to a 3K head or buy a 4K block i.e which is cheaper?
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