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Everything posted by NickAE86

  1. yeah thats the one :blinks: ak is building my 4agte also...ihi rhb 5 gtx familia turbo john is helping a mate of mine with his ke25 4agte td05 good blokes...know their stuff
  2. lol cheers grimwolge :blinks:
  3. Cheers dude car wasnt the most colour co-ordinated & interior lacking but it made up for it in performance....I'm just kicking myself i didnt get the chance to take it to the track/drags before i sold it....I'm looking forward to the gte..much fun Sunnybank Hills Brisvegas
  4. definately go the ze & get yourself and oversize pulley so you can really have fun :blinks: if you get bored with it you can use the ze bottom end to build up a 4agte and save yourself a few $$ as opposed to converting a 4age...there's an ae101 gze 1/2 cut going for sale for $1100 on toymods for interests sake
  5. Hey guys, just joined...thought i might throw some links at you of my old AE86...recently sold to make way for a new sprinter project...4AGTE :drool: i see you had johns purple AE86world project in the gallery so you'll prolly recognise this one http://www.maccustoms.com.au/DVC00115.JPG http://www.maccustoms.com.au/DVC00116.JPG http://www.maccustoms.com.au/DVC00121.JPG http://www.maccustoms.com.au/DVC00122.JPG http://www.maccustoms.com.au/DVC00123.JPG http://www.maccustoms.com.au/DVC00125.JPG when i get the conversion sorted i'll send some pics of the gte
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