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Everything posted by zmit

  1. ah... well thats ok then.... I'm over the whole wireless thing... batteries are annoying...
  2. adam. you give me the money... or a job... and i will think about it.... other wise.... HELL NO!!!! .... oh... and yes... andrew. more time at school :'(
  3. Gregor made me look like an idiot.... but thats ok :'( he got it running. i distinctly remember my father and i looking at it and saying "it can't be the coil cos that pretty new" I'm not doing the conversion... too much effort.... so ill get the twinky running instead :lol: (it may also have better suspension!)
  4. :S i have THREE running engines!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :y: *murmurs* freakin..... POS .....coil.. ... mess...... my engine....
  5. 'helis' it come from the greek 'ελικόπτερο' meaning helicopter or somethin like that :y: thats basically what it is...
  6. woah man.... i MAY have a car to use.... friday is still a fair way off.... :y: and no. no engine conversion... unless its the 4AFC..... cos thats easy :S
  7. i have two running engines :P but not in my car :y: the 4AGE runs - white ae82 the 4AFC runs - red ae92 the 4ALC does not - blue ae82 :S i still need to do that compression test.... the head gasket is probably stuffed... (but so is the exhaust)
  8. stephen... don't blow yours up too.... heading off to try and get my other cars running.....
  9. well..... yeah.... thats the aim..... we have had cruises of about 7 cars i think was the max?
  10. :bash: can i borrow.... please?!?!?! id love to do a proper photoshoot.... seeing as i don't have any remote flash units for the camera yet :sob: yes it is..... his new one isnt though :( sure man.... tomorrow arvo, ill let you know if i have a car. other wise i may need a lift.... same mobile number ok guys. thoughts! the car runs! BUT only at high revs.... (which is about 20 degrees btdc!!) doesnt idle... or run at low revs. what could it be? seems to be still ignition problems
  11. yeah true. ok. twilight. sorry. yes, you do want the natural light for twilight... that picture was taken at about 12:49:36 AM :y: cullen bay has the carpark off to the right of the roundabout.... that makes for some good shots..... it can end up very yellow though.... so ultimately you want the bright white street lights...
  12. yeah... i may need a lift... but friday i may also have a car running :P heh. thanks :y: nightcliff MIGHT work.... but cas foreshore has no lights. wont work I'm at bunnings a bit for boostcruising :S theres definitely light there.....
  13. ah. i see.... lol.... that was smart....
  14. yeah man. thats not a problem at all. its out at karama. still interested in the bonnet and cluster? cullen bay carpark or bunnings carpark is pretty good.... but my experiences with night shoots havent been that great...
  15. all my cars are 'meh' too...... but i live in casuarina :y: time to go work on a car.....
  16. nope. no one else is interested yet. I'm just wondering what i want to do with my engine..... ultimately, i want my car running. so if i get the 4AC running.... good. then there will be a perfectly good 4AFC in it... (which ive had running better than my engine currently!) fixing the blue one... with the possibility of maybe getting a 4AGE white rolla running as well/first
  17. you gonna do the work? that requires putting the wiring loom in my car..... which will be a bloody pain. especially in the wet season.... but no... no progress at all. i will probably end up putting the 4AFC in my car.... and selling it. then just using the 4AGE.... in the other one
  18. sounds like a good idea....
  19. bloody hell this car is irritating me now.....
  20. yes... that was one of the first things we checked when we suspected timing.... valve timing is lined up... and so is the dizzy. no i didnt put the 'compound' on... but i' ve also never heard of that, nor has it been a problem for 2 years.... regression sucks.... ill give it another shot soon. tas_ae71, its interesting you mention that. what would cause it to run overly rich?
  21. Nope, what engine is it exactly? I looked in the 4age manual (proper toyota) and it mentions nothing. It sounds from the mechanical forum as it's probably a timing issue, would need to look myself. Where is the car? yeah. its definitely timing. the car is at my house. wagaman. its pissing me off to know end. i finally thought i got it sorted today.... but no. 2 steps forward, 3 steps back
  22. yep.... but that means ive just gone through two of them....
  23. i also just grabbed another dizzy.... put that in, and it started, i timed it blind to the point where it would start within about 3 revolutions. i also managed to get it running to the point where i could drive it around the block..... it was driving ok, at all ranges of the throttle.... but was intermittently missing or bogging down a little bit..... however. now it wont start at all. i havent taken the dizzy out, so its still aligned. and ive only been playing around with the range of timing that the dizzy allows. just before that, i grabbed a timing light off a mate and noticed that it was running at about 25 btdc.... i got that down to about 20btdc but was close to dying. before i got around to adjusting the idle screw, everything has died. ..... back to square one. could it be possible that there is something happening that is destroying the dizzys? and um. yeah, cheers for the comment about the interior..... give it a rest. the page is 2 years old.
  24. thanks mate. but I'm in darwin.
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