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Speed Camera Crap


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Ok i posted this on the old corollas mailing list....so here it is again...rollaclub style (15 minutes ago at 11:00)


Well coming home about 15 minutes ago I got flashed by a speed camera. I had been driving slow because I knew the local police station had control over one at the present time (had heard reports on the radio station about it in about 3 different locations all day). So I'm cruising home on the speed limit (70kmph) and I dropped my speed at known radar locations (because my speedo isnt exactly reliable...) I drove past the speed camera setup in a Bus station (CSIRO stop on moggil road) touched the brakes (automatic reaction) and realised I was going pretty slow already so let them off and cruised thru the radar not changing my speed at all. I get about 30m past the camera and it flashes at me...no other cars on the road at all...


Now...I take pride in the fact that I have never had any speeding offences (ok one warning for drifting in the wet) and wish to keep it this way.


After a quick "WHAT THE f@$k!?" and look in my rear vision mirror I checked my RPM and read them at 2200rpm in 4th gear.


Now...as we all know 4th gear on K40s is 1:1 and I'm running a 4.3:1 diff. My tyres are 13" 175/70. After some quick calculations after I got home I figure out that I couldnt have been going any more than 65kmph (if I read the tacho wrong or such) in a 70 zone... my speed was more like 50kmph...after touching the brakes...


So...my question is "WHAT THE f@$k!?" I have heard that they are required to do 3 (or so) test shots before they can start booking people...Was I a test shot?? or was i speeding?? Could it have been my muffler (5" can into 2.75" tip) resonating that it picked up on (not the noise waves...picking up the vibrations on the exhaust).


As much as Id love to (if a fine does accually come) take it to court and stick it up their asses I really don't have the time. So I HOPE it was a test or...the camera operator was f@$king with me...




Thanks for reading :),


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My dad has a similar thing happen to him along gympie rd opposite spotlight at kedron.


He drove past at 40kmh and got flashed. He however did walk up the van (he was doing a delivery to a shop in that street) and ask the police officer what the issue was. The response was that when the officer first sets up the camera at that site, they put it in some sort of test mode and it takes pictures of every car that drives past and records their speed.


No fine ever arrived in the mail.


In your case, I doubt they would have been just setting up the camera at 10:45pm :)

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I'm almost 100% certain it was either a test or they were bored... mainly because it went of when I was about 30-40m past the camera...but I was still in view. Luckly my number plate is the old black and white style but without the new reflective paint...that should make it hard to see... There is also a wire mesh fence on the other side of the road that may have skewed the readings...theres entire books on how you can beat the charge....


If they do insist I was speeding I'm gonna fight this to the death... I refuse to live in a police state where whatever they say goes...

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