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Cats and Dogs


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Rob: I can't help it if you always call him "boof" :insane: Hehe, George it is then :D


Shamry: One of my family friends has a staffie called Potty, and he's a really old and round staffie. He's so affectionate, it's great, he's even affectionate towards the family cat! And when it's cold he'll try to nuzzle up under your feet and keep your feet warm, other times he's just happy to sit by your side and put his chin on your hand or on your lap or something, he's a great dog :D

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Awww, so cute!! Dogs are so cute even when they are older because 99% of them are just so happy no matter what. Most of them have excellent personalities and are content all of the time.


Most cats are snooty, mean and selfish. I note that Rob has posted pics of George (he's like a Ken doll - stupid but cute) but none of Alice (the psychotic cat)!


Dogs rule, cats are awful!!

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but there really friendly when you get to no them it was because you were strange and they didnt kno you.


Another benefit is that dogs will protect your property to the death from strangers. I'd bark at Grim too if he came to my door and I didn't know him

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i have 2 staffys..


heres one....her name is jenna.




the other one was too lazy to come out of his kennel. so he missed out on his picture being taken.


but we also have a galah.




hes about prolly 25 years old now.....getting on in his life....and can get pretty cranky, so noone gets him out anymore cause he is sure enough to bite something.

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