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Sc12 Bearing Seals,


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has anyone on here dismantled an sc12 and changed the seals behind the bearings


any info on this would be appreciated, and would really like to talk to someone who has done it before if there is anyone


apparently the only way to get the bearings out to change the seals is by destroying them or heating them as i have just found on another site, but you need to make them hot

like 200-400 degrees ish, to melt the glue to push them out


anyway, has anyone done before?

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Baaah, started pulling the SC14 apart, stripped the rotors etc out.


Began to sort out removing the front bearings (as they are the rooted ones, the rears are still fine) found a punch that would fit, punched the centre out...... alright, try again, large punch, hammer slips, punch goes off on a mission (read, ended up being hit on an angle) and now ive got a nice 10mm long/wide chunk cracked from the front of the casing. The alloy there is paper thin, and a real pain in the arse.


Going to make up a puller to get the bearings out now, as I can TIG up and re-machine the hole Ive made, but don't want the hassle of doing it too many times!

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have alot of friends in various industries (even have a few from here at work)


When I get the bearings out, its just a matter of getting them to the guys that need them, and they will either find me something that is the same size, or atleast something similar. I'm not affraid to mill some metal from the housing or the bearings to make them fit.

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