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Indy 300


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hi all,

as you probably know Indy is coming up this weekend.

just wondering who was going from rollaclub?

they have schedualed races for the friday night, including carrera cup and some drift demonstrations! would be some good photo opportunities, especially with the lights from the cars.


ticket prices available from Here.




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i should be going, still have to find out when my other workmates are heading down....free accomodation and free entry.....can't complain with that.. =)


never been so it should be interesting.....i'll have the camera charged up and take some photos. :(

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indy was awsome. plenty of action.. and tits. haha

i met tony harris on sunday (drives the marshal tyres VN) and was talking to him for a bit about his car.

he runs two sets of calipers for the rear, one for handbrake and one for the foot brake. i didnt get any pics of it, but two calipers per wheel looks pretty cool.

its making about 380hp at the treds apparently, with about 500 at the engine, but he loses a fair bit because he runs a 6 speed trans.

also saw the other drift cars there, d1 garage s14.5, viva garage r32 (i think), Phillips silvia and the ADD cefiero...one of my favourites.

i couldnt stop drooling over the massive work wheels the silvias were ruinning, and the koya wheels on the ceffy look awsome too.


here are some pics :D








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