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Audi Vs. Bus

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i am curious as to the circumstances involved in that crash



These are a few quotes that i found on other forums. So i'm not 100% sure on the truth of them.


The story I heard was that the driver wanted to get the edge on the competition by practicing the course before the event, so the roads weren't closed off yet.


The video shows the driver of an Audi and his friend speeding through a curve when all of a sudden a bus comes in their path. Fortunately they do not hit the bus frontally. The driver survives with fractures to his jaw. The passenger walks away with minor injuries.
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helmets do not belong on public roads. you need your peripheral vision to see dangers around you such as idiotic pedestrians, taxi drivers in your blind spot, motorcyclists who think they are ghostrider, and people who can't give way at side streets


helmets do belong on a racetrack, where you are in a controlled environment with none of that, and may require extra protection due to the increased danger factor

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helmets do not belong on public roads. you need your peripheral vision to see dangers around you such as idiotic pedestrians, taxi drivers in your blind spot, motorcyclists who think they are ghostrider, and people who can't give way at side streets


helmets do belong on a racetrack, where you are in a controlled environment with none of that, and may require extra protection due to the increased danger factor


I agree with you. I was laughing at the ironacy of the situation (viewing it from an illegal rally standpoint). I think I could have worded it better. But, its all good. :D

Have you ever seen people driving around wearing bike helmets, or constrcution worker hats? I used to think "what a dope", but then i realised there are people that "have" to wear them as the smallest knock could severly injure them. Thats a whole other topic though.

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i'm serious. it's all good and well seeing it happen half a world away on dv, but when two guys on bikes actually really do come out of nowhere, splitting traffic and zoom past your door window as a truck's going past you, it's about the uncoolest thing i can ever think of happening


and i can't say i have ever seen anyone driving or walking around with a construction worker hat or pushbike "stackhat". except mike meyers in that saturday night live sketch with nicole kidman where he's playing the kid who goes hypo when he eats sugar

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