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20V Header Options.


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Ive just snapped my exhaust manifold on my 20v ae71.


Looking at options for the replacement of them as my fabricator is a bit busy right now.


Ive seen the OBX tri-y type - $about $600 landed.


Ive also seen the obx stainless 4-1s - About $375 landed.


Kaizens crap - not worth 2 cents.


Toda - $1200+ freight


Malaysian Toda copies on ebay - $400 landed but don't look equal length.


There are the cx racing headers on ebay with the high rise design, they will be available in 6 weeks for 20v conversion apparently, - $500 landed.


Just wondering if there are any other people know of out there.


Id prefer mild steel but SS would be ok if its of a decent thickness.


Ive heard the horror stories of obx headers hitting firewalls.


The CX racing ones look like they are looks over performance, since there is such a huge tight bend straight out of the port.


don't want to support Malaysian knockoff artists and doubt their ability.


Toda is wonderful but who wants to spend that kind of money for this kind of solution?


OBX tri-y look ok but I have similar quality doubts on them and they look like the primaries and secondaries are extremely short, its barely a try-y.


Does anyone have any experiences with these options or can they present any more?

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You thought about just welding yours up or buying some 2nd hand ones to get you by? Until your guy can do them.


Also a fella that I have heard is really good is Fabulous Fabrications(search on facebook) lots of people recommend him and his work looks awesome. He looks to put a lot of effort into everything he does.


I've also heard bad things about OBX.


So yeah just another option I guess.

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Thanks for the reply, its a bit of a rare thing, so I'm just trying to get all my options before me before I decide.


In reality I might just weld em up but I'm worried the steel is kinda thin there. Either way I'm removing them today and sorting out a short term solution.


I guess once their out I can cut off the old heat shield lugs and maybe fit some new ones for one of the heat shields I have in the cupboard, tidy it up a bit more in there.


I guess once they're off I will be able to clean them out, and die grind the flanges smooth on the inside and tidy the ports in the pipes up a bit.


I might end up parting this car due to lack of interest in it anyhow. So maybe spending another $600 on some new pipes is a bad idea when I have another car to finish.

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