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Everything posted by ninja-philbo

  1. hey guys will ive got an ae71 pano and ive just picked up a silvertop 20v and just wondering if they will run off a 16v ecu loom so i can run the map sensor
  2. looking good mate i gotta get out the back and work on this ke36 wagon i got here but just can't find the energy
  3. lol fine 3 months and it will befor swaps haha why not just leave the rad in so u can move it man your old girl must have a good temper
  4. 2 months and it will be forsale
  5. yeah dude not long now. looks like it will wheelstand
  6. so mich win here. looks like a tonka truck with those wheels haha
  7. f@$k yeah progress i love this thing still want that hoodlineing and i may have a good valance pannel in the next 2 weeks if ur still chasen one
  8. i wanted this so bad at least its getting some love nice work
  9. yeah man lsd over locker anyday maby look into anouther diff man ive broken 5 falcon diffs in my old eb turbo man there kinda shit. and just get an lsd and rebuild it its not hard man.
  10. nice rig I'm looking at a bagged one atm
  11. nice i hope the missos ke36 turns out this nice man i want one now
  12. washers or take it to a fab joint get them to build it back up and machined down to what u want
  13. the front end in a ceffy is s13 so will bolt in if its not the gts4 version
  14. yeah go take an exhaust manifold off a 7mgte took me 2 days and lots of cuts and nasty words
  15. nah i gt over lookin at clean fast cars that are all done the same ive only ever seen a bagged seca and it barely tucked tire. i wanna see an e70 wagon tucken tire front and back. lookin average driven past then bam lay the ass out sparks flying.
  16. and everyone expects a overrated car to be off its tits imagine a rusty old ke wagon just droppin on its sills haha.
  17. i wouldnt wish any child to be called KERAZY maby captain awesome or jebus. i got afew things to get out of the road fist but i have alot of spare airbag gear and a big grinder and welder so il get it laying sill haha worst case il get a sedan and do it but wagons are so cool.
  18. oh i don't want anything pretty just preferably regoed and manual but can't find one i don't wanna pay 2k to cut it up
  19. oh no man I'm so sorry if i can help yell out
  20. lol dude good idea i didnt wanna use a van due to there getting hard to find
  21. well thats the plan but man its hard to find a e70 wagon
  22. all 4 corners more than likely tubb the ass notch it so it lays sill
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