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Everything posted by chrisandliz

  1. Got the ae82 running today, and she is good and strong again (amazing what a heart transplant will do). I have to give special thanks to damo101. well I'm up for a cruise now that I'm off the motorcycle. anyone else good to go?
  2. i'll swap you a t18 and a 4age
  3. hahaha, you want damo's 4agze ae82 then (jokes) I would say, do what ever in cheapest. you can always go 4age if you pop the 2tgeu. I have 3 spare re builder 4ages at my house.
  4. what kinda power are you gonna try to get? if you are going to mod the engine I would say 4age as parts are easy to come by. you can get 2tg parts, just a lot harder to find and a lot less range.
  5. Did you get a look at her face? she could be a midland local. HUNT HER DOWN.
  6. I feel the need, the need for Lady Mcness!!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IYFfkj59qec
  7. i'm in as long as we do not see any traffic lights on the route
  8. your honda today is probably as fast as the 125.
  9. what are you looking for? I have some mags (114.3 x4) sitting about you can use.
  10. garnett has not fixed his car, so i can come.
  11. psssst, ken I'm gonna ask you not to call people you have not met in real life "sluts", it could offend them.
  12. awesome, if you wanna go for a ride/lesson send me a message. btw, the honda cbr125r gets owned buy a gpx.
  13. In the spirit of driving safely, i have only been down the zigzag at 140. Garnett, can I borrow the t18?
  14. SKF http://www.skf.com/portal/skf/home they have everything.
  15. Shouldn't that be "Chris and I", we need a gearbox speedo sender from a ta22. oh we should have heaps of those. MWAHahahaha, hoarding rules!
  16. there wasn't any ice cream, chicken or new people!!!! but I can fantasize. It was awesome Sarah Chalke turned up, who knew she drives AE86.
  17. well, it was nice to meet you all. soooo many new faces thanks for turning up, :P lalalalalalalala, thanks Garnett for the chicken and ice cream
  18. i'll bring a bbq if we need it and some beef sticks.
  19. sweet, can you video it and put it on youtube?
  20. I have been to 3 night club in my life and hated every moment I spent there. There are some free BBQ in most parks, we could have lunch. it's school holidays so I'll have kids with me.
  21. http://cgi.ebay.com.au/Holden-VY-Commodore...id=p3286.c0.m14 just buy a second hand one
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