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Everything posted by 7shades

  1. F*ck. People WANT those things now? Man... I had a few, passed down from my uncles. Original 80's for rizzle. Long gone now. Probably could have sold them off to hipster f*cktards for heaps. Ninja Edit: The dude in the video making those Penny boards has a flatcap. A backwards flatcap. Dipshit.
  2. And they still look like a special ed kid who has been dressed by his mother.
  3. Its by far the easiest way to spot a douchebag from a distance. "I'm going to intentionally *not* mould the brim to match the contours of my head, because that's what everyone else is doing, and I desperately crave acceptance from the herd, despite the fact we ALL look like retards because our hats don't fit". Hey look, I think I just made a WGMG post.
  4. I have racks on the wagon, but I carry a kayak and lengths of timber. Granted, it has the rat look going on... Because its a piece of shit I never wash, and I only fixed and primered the rust for RWC purposes. Also, flatcaps keep offering to buy it, so I find it amusing to put desirable parts on it and treat it very badly. :)
  6. They'll look FABULOUS with your skinnies :P
  7. Shhhh.... I pick up a heap of those every time I go to Japan and sell them at considerable profit :P I <3 flatcap jdm fanboys
  8. Makes me thicken up like pancake mix, that does :P
  9. I wonder if its made from PU foam, like this stunning Lithuanian example
  10. I give next to zero ʞ©$ɟs about looks. We clearly come from very different mindsets... I can't see any point whatsoever in building a car to be parked and looked at.
  11. You'd be amazed the difference a couple of KG per wheel makes to handling, even in regular driving... Unsprung weight n shit.
  12. They are very light and clear big brakes though, which is generally why they are purchased by people who drive/race their cars, rather than hardparkers who gather in the evenings to take instagram photos of each other's iPhones sitting inside dished rims.
  13. They're ok.... Not my style though. This guy likes them....
  14. That's probably you shitting yourself from sheer terror
  15. There is something in the water in South Africa. They're all batshit insane. I 'dated' a Sarth Effrikan girl for a while once... Won't lie, there were times I feared for my life
  16. Not as stupid as it sounds. Slightly c*nty, but sound business principles right there. Some flatcap DC shirt skinny jean ballet shoe dipshit offered me 4k for my busted-arse AE71 wagon recently. If I ever need quick cash, that'll happen. It'll be 8k once I chuck the new engine and T series in.
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