don't get your nickers in a knot. i was busy that weekend, i was in qld at the biscuit bar doin the melb shuffle :D
plus u no for a fact u can't keep up with me, u drive like a fairy :yes:
yeah i no which bloke u were talkin to he was skinny and had long brown hair, he thought he new his shit about cars and rollas but he wasnt makin any sense at all.. i must of seen u there i just don't no what u look like..
Ive been speakin to a guy on here with a v6 in a orange corolla and he swears by the v6 in his rolla, he reckons its the ducks nuts but i want some real power so looks like rotors the way to go...
Ay meat axe i wouldnt realy go the 4AC. if i was u id personly ditch it and just start with the 4AGE, there alot stronger there for you can screw more boost into her, there for more power... good luck. let us no what the out come is..
Sorry i didnt understand that darota bit but yeah that fairlane was in show n shine at jamboree.... i seen a few sick kunts drive it in the the show n shine area and put it on display, it was the funniest thing ive ever seen and they all looked like they were off there heads hahaha MAD KUNTS i tell ya...
f@$k ay... looks like the rotors the way to go, i was hoping u guys were gonna say that coz all my poofter mates were trying to talk me out of it...... uz will see a rotarolla soon. THANKS BOYS..
ay billygoat you've got your self one tiddy arse rolla there mate, wicked!! i love just little things like gold skull door lock knobs.. good luck with the conversion :P
Well i want a quick street/burnout car.. ive been bittin by the rotor bug to I LOVE THEM but all my mates reckon go v6 coz it will be more reliable, thats why i want opinons from u guys...
love ya rx4 :P
hey guys ive got a ke30 2dr and I'm undecided on which engine conversion i should do... i can get my hands on a 13b turbo or a vn v6 supercharged for around the same money, i just want to no if any of you guys have done either conversion and how much problem did u have?...i no they both make good power just wanna no which will be easier.. cheers :P
f@$k yeh!! nice rolla mate..... i love it!!
qick question.. ive got the same model and I'm running a hilux diff as well but it keeps hitting the floor panel above it, even over the smallest bumps.. do u get that problem????