Hey guys just wondering if anyone can help me out. My speedo stopped working a little while back so my brother and I pulled out the drive gear and low and behold the nylon gear was chewed up in the middle, like a half moon shape. So we replaced it with the same gear. It only lasted a week, if that, and is chewed again. After doing a little bit of research I'm lead to believe it may be the wrong speedo worm drive ratio. Is it possible to tell how to figure out the correct speedo worm drive ratio just by looking at the worm gear or is it a matter of pulling the worm gear out and matching it to the drive gear???
I'm lead to believe there a few different ratios as such 5 x 19, 6 x 20, 6 x 22 meaning 5 starts on the worm gear and 19 teeth on the drive gear etc....
My drive gear had 20 and 9, or was it a 6, embossed on the end of the gear.
Any help would be much appreciated :lol: