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The "omg Guess What Happened Today" Thread

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Don't know or care if the other driver is insured, Nay was working and in a work car at the time. Work (workers comp) cover everything. Car was (isn't much any more) a holden astra wagon. Finally found one good point about the car... crashes well! Not much left of either vehicle, but the astra held up ok from the doors back considering it stopped at 100km/h.


Airbags are good!! :P


As Nay is the Health and safety co-ordinator for her work, one of her performance indicators in her job is to lower "lost time injuries". As Nay didn't miss all of Friday (was working that morning) if she works on monday she hasn't had a lost time injury! She will be working from home for the next few weeks.


Edit: by the way, Nay is home :P

Edited by 67Rolla-Ken
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It's been a long day.


I got a phone call from my wifes mobile about 10:30am while I was at work. Was some lady telling me Nay (my wife) had been in a serious car accident and was about to be taken to hospital. I got to the hospital as fast as I could (sorry to the dozens of people I cut off), It sux to see loved ones in pain and not be able to help much :(


Nay was driving along a main road at 100kmh, a 4WD came out of a side street as she was passing it. She had time to touch the brake pedal, but didn't wash any speed off. She hit the side of the 4WD square on spinning her car around and throwing the 4WD back the way it came from a good 15-25m.

There were 2 babies in the 4WD, the yongest (about 6-8 weeks old) was thrown out of it's capsule into the cargo area. Somehow neither of the babies were badly injured.


Nays car burst into flames after impact, somehow the doors were still working fine and she was able to get herself out. An off duty nurse helped Nay away from the fire and looked after her till the ambo's came. She said there was also a nice young guy that was holding her hand and looking after her.


Two cement trucks pulled over and used the water pumps on their trucks to put the car out.


Nay is in hospital overnight, has bad wiplash/bruising and a very sore right ankle but all the scans are showing no major injuries.


Firstly, thank you God, I'm amazed that anyone can walk away from an impact like that, and was so relieved to hear the babies were ok.


Secondly, I would like to thank those strangers who stopped and help out. I would like to think most people would do the same, but your heros in my book!


Well I'm absolutely wrecked!



HOLY SHIT man thank god nobody was seriously injured in the crash man that suks so much to hear about it happening to your wife and by the sounds of it there deffinatly was and angel looking over her man :P :P :) :no2:



I hope she rocovers quickly and that doesnt put her off driving again i know what it's like to crash a car at speed and it's not pretty!!!!! :no2:


goodl luck and best wishes for ya wife bud I hope she recovers quickly man!!!! :yes:

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I fixed my car. Oh so i thought. So we fixed another thing, so we thought. Then we fixed another thing, so we thought. And this morning still leaking oil. I'll give it another go this afternoon to fix it, if not i may burn it!!!

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