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Snow, Part Two.


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Mmm, the start of the real winter..


Today I drove my Rolla just like you Aussie boys do when you're going somewhere or you just want to drive. Unlike you Aussies, I can't just hop in my car and drive, not when it is like it was today, atleast. Here's what met me when I came out today:



Crazy or what? A couple of hours later and my car was ready for action. Well, almost ready, atleast it was out of the giant snow bank hiding two Toyotas:



The story does not end there. Although unfamiliar with the Australians, I gotta be careful in route planning.. Let's just say I need to follow some nice tracks or I'll plow your snow. Or get stuck. Probably both.




Disclaimer: No Rollas were harmed during the production of these photos, or between shots. Fun were had by both car and driver, er.. on racetracks.

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