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One Day


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yh ill take comments of people sayin they don't like something ive done but i wont take any people who start me or my car out cos i see it in other post and its just stupid because if you don't like someones car then all you have to do is go look at another one instead of being an idiot an making people feel like crap and stuff like that so i don't mind people sayin i dnt like that style id perfer this..... but not baggin something out but I'm not gonna write anymore about this because its about the car and what I'm doin to it an not able me moanin about people so if you don't like it just go look at something else no1 is forcing any1 to look at this post.



If you want to stop the negative posts then first off you need to speak correctly. I'm sure you can manage that, its not going to take much longer to complete words and use paragraphs.


Second still to talking about the car not what you do in it. Any talk of illegal activities on a public forum is never a good idea.


Other than that look after the car and people will respect you for that.

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as i was driving during my lunch break 2day i stopped at a shop and after i jump in the car aand started going i realised i had no breaks, which i thought i popped a wheel cylinder so i got back to work looking for any leaks and there was nothing. after work i went to my mates workshop and started lookin g for problems which i didnt find until my mate arrived and found that the master cylinder had shat itself, luckily i had a spare lying around so we put that on and bled the system and it was fine for about an hours driving and than it went down to the floor but would still stop me, could this just need bleeding again to make shore i got all the air out or does any1 else have any other ideas y this would happen.

thanks for any help

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  • 4 weeks later...

i have sad news, i just snapped my axle in the rolla, i wasnt even doing anything stupidi was just on my way home turning the last corner an it snapped in me.

i knew this day would come so luckily i prepare i have a new diff sitting at the workshop ready to go in.


best month i have ever had in the car but unfortunately I'm not going to weld the new one.

does anybody know of someone selling a t18 diff.

and is anybody selling a 4age


keep on rollin

but in my case clunkin

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