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Why So Many Ke Corollas In South Australia??

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By that logic, SA should be crawling with mitsubishis.


Yet another reason to never go back there again :bash:


We still are.... damn ugly 380 thank god they stopped making it. Hoping soon they are all written off so we can be excused from having to see such an ugly sight on the roads.


As for Holden, I work there. I get the privilege of seeing 400 billion Commodores every day :bash:

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3 million people come here every year to be bored out of their minds. Its ever so dreary.


I know, I wasted a 2 weeks of my life there too!

Been in Adelaide for 36 years and still discovering the many wonders!

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Yeah..... they can only afford corollas!!


JK SA. :yes:



not nice, at least us s.a people have fridges to keep our beer in :hmm:

not out side the door like tasy people(bloody colder than melbourne but less rain)

our cars don't rust and don't get put off the road yearly :hmm:

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