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4age Small Port Idling When Warm?


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having problems with my 4age smallport.as soon as i drive the car for say 15 mins and the engine gets warm the idling will get really low or stall if i take the car out of gear or come to a stop? any ideas.....


What is your idle speed when the car is cold? 4AGEs have a very high cold-idle (about 2000rpm), and is someone who doesn't know the engine has thought that that is too high they could have adjusted it to what they thought was a more reasonable level (like 1300), however this would cause the warm-idle speed to tank through the floor and make it very easy to stall.

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yea i did think that it was abit high but i herd it normal for them to stay cold at 2000 like u said but when i started it up it was at 2000 when cold :-/ so if it were say an air leak what would that be through? having the pod filter open to hot air is a case to but i dunno if that would effect it...

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I don't really know alot about the smallport intake system but I am pretty sure that you need to run the idle valve that sits on the air box, if you have put a pod on it do you still have that connected?


That idle valve is only for cold starts though isn't it? Don't think it really plays much part once the car is actually running, although I could be wrong.

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That idle valve is only for cold starts though isn't it? Don't think it really plays much part once the car is actually running, although I could be wrong.


I wouldn't have the faintest Ian, I was hoping you could of answered it.

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yea there was a spare pipe that goes to the idling cylinder thingy but because it was loose i just blocked it up.figuring the computer would sort it out some how.i adjusted the idling to 1200 while warm hopefully this solves the issue and when i start it up it stays at 2000 not 4500..

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