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Hail, To The Ke50


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Here are pics of my old KE50, please excuse the blurry pics, it's all I have. I was like so many others when I first saw the car, I remember it being advertised as a KE50, and I thought to myself, I bet it's a KE55 and these people are idiots.


So I rang them, and said what is it, and they said it's a KE50, and it's a 2 door liftback, I thought, these people are obviously morons.


So I rock up there and find out I am the moron, and here before me was the weirdest ugliest thing I had ever laid eyes on.


Then I put my wheels on it and lowered it a touch (4 inches) I fell in love with all that is KE50!!



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i've seen quite a few over the years. i agree, they are extremely fugly. what were toyota thinking? they should have been bitch slapped severely.


about the only thing they are good for is a disc conversion for a ke1x, ke2x...or a tacho dash conversion for a ke3x or ke55. lol.

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there's a overrated grandpa-spec one that has been parked out the front of ballina bowls club most days of the week for as long as i can remember, certainly before i got into corollas


i don't mind them, they're different, bit more unique than a 4 door sedan. i'd like to see one with a normal ke30 front end on it


beats me why johnny rochester went to the trouble of importing levin front sheet metal from america for his fake "te37", he could have just bought a ke50 for a few hundred bucks


ken & nikki have one of these at the moment, i'm not sure what they're doing with it, but ken reckons someone has already put a T series diff in it?

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