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Engine Loom(S)


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Hey guys


My Rolla II GP Turbo had a 4EFTE (Starlet GT) engine slotted in by some dodgy mechanics around 7years ago, not even a month later the car was undriveable due to numerous issues which I couldn't address at the time, so it was put into storage. Recently a fellow rollaclub member gave me a car like mine with the same engine transplant for me to use as a parts car so I could get my car going again.

Main Issue:

During the engine swap 7 years ago the #&*@ stupid &@$!% mechanic didn't change the ECU over, so my 4EFTE (1.3ltr, 16v DOHC Turbo) was running an ECU designed for a 3ETE (1.5ltr, 12v SOHC Turbo engine).

The Situation,

Thinking the problem was just a simple(?) engine loom swap, I pulled the loom out of the parts car and I was going to plug it upto my engine, connect the ECU and job done.

However! my engine has a lot more stuff connected then the parts car did, and when I was sitting in my engine bay tonight, it didn't feel right pulling the loom out.


After closer inspection of the loom that's in the GP, it looks like the #&*@ stupid &@$!% mechanic did splice it, but I have no idea what he did, however I do have a 4EFTE and 3ETE loom diagram so I could work it out.


Would you:

a), Attempt to splice the current loom yourself to accommodate the 4EFTE ECU, or

b), Unplug the current spliced 3ETE loom and replug the 4EFTE loom.


Thank you,



P.S: I know what I'm leaning towards, but I rather see what you say as my experience on working on cars is next to nothing.


Attachments - Spliced loom pics:


Note: Blue electrical tape


Edited by TOMsGPTurbo
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:blinks: :hmm: :bash:


That's a real noodle scratcher...if it were me, I'd have a crack at splicing the 4efte ecu into your 3ete loom. If you can identify which wire goes to what & there's enough pinouts for the essentials plus the extra stuff your current engine has (a/c, p/s etc?) you should not only be able to get it in & running, but possibly even correct some of the previous electrical work while your're at it. :)


At first I thought to just put the 4efte loom in, as the ecu will work with it. Then I wondered how complicated it would be to integrate the extras you have into the loom. Not being an electrical guru, I'd say possibly very!


Good luck with whichever path you take!

Edited by carbonboy
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Cabonboy, that's the other route i was thinking of lol, not my first choice as I don't have all the electrical doobie wackers needed to complete the job.


Stupid question, is this how engine wiring works?


ECU is plugged into the engine loom, engine loom is plugged into engine sensors and battery, (don't touch anything else), end of story? car should technically fire up?


What would be all the other extra's besides power steering (I thought that would be aux.)? hmmmm I might have to strip out the other extra's from the parts car and swap them other.... hmmm I'm just going to have a crack at it and see what happens...

Edited by TOMsGPTurbo
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However! my engine has a lot more stuff connected then the parts car did, and when I was sitting in my engine bay tonight, it didn't feel right pulling the loom out.


^^^ I think I have misinterpreted this part, sorry for the confusion. :blush:


Cabonboy, that's the other route i was thinking of lol, not my first choice as I don't have all the electrical doobie wackers needed to complete the job.


Stupid question, is this how engine wiring works?


ECU is plugged into the engine loom, engine loom is plugged into engine sensors and battery, (don't touch anything else), end of story? car should technically fire up?


What would be all the other extra's besides power steering (I thought that would be aux.)? hmmmm I might have to strip out the other extra's from the parts car and swap them other.... hmmm I'm just going to have a crack at it and see what happens...


I wish I could answer that, seeing as my electrical experience extends as far as how-not-to electrocute myself/set things on fire, any answer I could give would be completely guesswork I'm afraid. :( Hopefully Mr Medicine Man has your remedy! :y:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks heaps Chris, I feel really privileged and honoured with you and the guys offering to help me out.

Ummm before I came back to this topic I cut the plugs off the other loom and during the week soldered them onto the original loom :blush:

I don't really know how to describe how I am feeling about that decision now, but this should sum it up: :bash: + :laff: + :sob: + :yes: + :huh: + :no2: = :hmm:


This weekend, I have to do the mowing, put the round tyres on with air in them ... and push the car out onto the mowed lawn, get the scissor jack under it and jack it up and put it on axle stands, get under it and drain the fuel, wire up the TPS sensor, swap the 3ETE injectors to 4EFTE ones, swap the injector plugs to 4EFTE ones, and hopefully have the car ready to fit the loom and maybe a test fire up the following weekend.


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