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hey guys some of you can hopefully help me.

i was trying to get a key off the internet to crack adobe photoshop and i got a heap of trogan viruses. now ive run microsoft anitspyware and it deleated 4 things. but my computer (xp) is still giving me warnings??


what can i do


thanks jamie

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did those work?


i once got one...somehow....and it was evil, and wouldnt go away even with 3 anti spyware and norton anti virus

so i realised there is a very simple way to get rid of recently attained viruses.

just do a system restore to the closest time before you got these viruses, you wont lose any saved things like word docs etc, just anything that uve installed after that time. works a treat and if it only happened today then its likely you havnt installed anything that you'll miss/can't replace

hope this helps :cool:

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The free approach.


These are the best free programs that keep your pc safe.


AVG Antivirus, for removing Virus

lavasoft Ad-aware, for removing Trojans

Zone labs, Zonealarm, The best free firewall shits on windows xp's one.


The $$$ approach


If you are going to buy a product you can't really go past Norton


Norton, antivirus

Norton, system works

Norton, internet security


The most usefull bit of information is to keep your pc upto date, so you can fight virus attacks and Shit that comes down of the net if you do this you shouldnt have a problem. . :cool:


PS. "which photoshop was it i will pm you the key"

Edited by gtnickk
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Yep, this has happened to me once. I tried every anti-virus that I could lay my dirty little hands on, but nothing would get rid of the virus. My one was found to be in the system files so I simply burned all my files onto cd, reloaded windows and scanned the cd with Norton Antivirus before I put the files back onto my computer.


The only reason I knew I had the virus was because it took over my desktop with a big blue screen saying in red, "your computer has been infected".


Funnily enough it was when I was looking for a crack (dealer) because i 'lost' my previous code....


Once you reloaded your computer, since it was such a pain in the arse to do, and i didnt want to do it again, i went out and bought the whole Norton studio so it wouldnt happen again. I f@$king hate computers.



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sorry to say this guys, but Nortons sucks butts.


NOD32 is the way to go. Less intrusive than Nortons, cheaper than Nortons, BETTER than Nortons, and NOD32 has won best Virus protection for the last three years in a row!!!


www.nod32.com.au - you can download a 30 day trial.


as for spyware, Adaware is the best I've found.


There's also a program called CWshredder for the coolweb search virus.


Just remember - in order to protect your PC, you MUST remember to REGULARLY UPDATE DEFINITIONS!!!!!

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I agree...Nortons is not the bomb.


I have heard good things about adaware, also about spysweeper, and use spysweeper...it's a good program.


The best way to make sure your pc is safe, is to never connect to the internet, and never put a cd or floppy drive in it :) :cool:


But it ain't much fun....oh and WHATEVER you do....keep microsoft the hell away from it :(

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