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Aftermarket Aluminium Radiator Core/Shroud/Fan

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"the indexing of the pin that locates the front of the camshaft to the rear of the camshaft sprocket, is incremented in 12 degree camshaft degrees, whereas, leaving the pin in the original pin hole, & moving the chain one tooth on the camshaft sprocket only moves the timing 10 degrees. "

So if you go forward one tooth and back one pin, you change it 2deg?

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Got a bit side tracked there, with this camshaft sprocket chain advance / retard possibility, but will get back to that later.  Most important thing is to get this "flying magnet trigger wheel" installed & running, with my Speeduino & Tuner Studio, on the 5K test bed engine.

However, after finishing my 8mm thick "flying magnet" trigger wheel; I learnt a lesson, that I should have known; that "bigger is not always better".   You see, I embedded 36 off 4mm dia. x 25mm lg. rare earth magnets in the disk, only to find when I tested it, that the Hall Effect sensor would not switch off.  The magnet poles, facing out along the edge of the disk, were 17mm apart, on a radial edge, of the 200mm diameter aluminium disk; but the magnetic field strength was too strong, to allow the Hall Effect sensor to switch off. One of the reasons I used the 25mm long "rod" magnets, was because there was a large surface area, on the sides, which would provide a large area of Araldite adhesion of the magnets; to the inside of the 27mm deep holes in the aluminium disk.

So back to using my olde 6mm thick 200mm dia. disk, with 36 off 4mm dia. x 6mm long rare earth magnets.  Finished it today, & on the bench, it works perfectly.



The trigger north pole, trigger reference magnet, is currently positioned at 270 degrees ATDC.

So all I need to do now, is get the camshaft sprocket front engine cover, back on the engine, & do some serious testing, with the oscilloscope, with the engine running, & then the Speeduino.

Cheers Banjo 

Edited by Banjo
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  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Sob !  Sob !   My 5K engine has just become obsolete !

Toyota To Introduce the INN Engine   at 200HP per litre !


Meanwhile, I'll just get my 5K to be fully ECU & EFI controlled !

Just about to fit modified camshaft cover back on; & put it all back together.


Cheers Banjo

Edited by Banjo
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