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I think you need to get the stewards to sign your existing CAMS licence.... you can get a steward to sign for a motorkhana too - that counts as an observed licence test I think? Ask Sheridan... or Rob probably knows.


The khanacross at parklands is definitely the best septating out of the lot, I would recommend that the most. Rob, do you have supp regs for the khanacross that can be posted here? (or have you done so already and I'm slow??)




ps. Fook I take it that you're thinking about navigating in a rally? Have you a driver lined up?

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Mel: I'm doing East Coast Targa (assuming I get all my shit together, today I went window shopping for a race suit and new boots and stuff (my race boots aren't FIA approved and aren't fireproof). If I get everything together (no stupid court case on the day, I get time off work, I manage to buy all the gear I need, I manage to get my licence in time etc...) then I'll be nav'ing in the Sherrin Hire Mini Cooper S.



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Fook, gosh you had better move quickly if you want your CAMS licence upgraded - it seems to take a little while (in my experience) since it has to go to Melbourne to get processed. I presume you don't need an international licence for the East Coast Targa - if not, you're lucky, cos it takes AGES to get a proper medical done because there are so few doctors that are CAMS accredited in Brisvegas. *ugh* medical *shudder*


I just had another thought. If you need your observed licence test done in a hurry and as cheap as possible, I would recommend the Ironman motorkhana ($20) on Saturday. There will be stewards everywhere because of the sprints on the circuit. I'm not sure if you have to speak to the stewards beforehand so they know to watch you?


I know those minis, they're going to be competing in the interclub challenge sprints on Saturday for the Brisbane Sporting Car Club. They sound REALLY great. Hey, if you need a stand in nav with all the gear, just let me know! I'd be there in a flash!! (you lucky fish) :)

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Mel: I need an NRL, and yes I know it takes awhile to get done, esp because mine has to go back to Malaysia. Even renewing my 2S licence usually takes at least 3 months! I'm hoping upgrading it won't require going back to Malaysia... I'm going to look into it tomorrow.


I can't do motorkhana on Saturday, I have prior commitments I can't get out of. Will endevour to do khanacross on Sunday though. How many OLT's do I have to do, do you know? Rob mentioned maybe 2? Gosh if it is, the next event after that is the 17th October, which is cutting it REALLY FRIGGIN CLOSE!


At the moment window shopping for gear, rough calculations put me in more than $1000, ouch. Will also have to speak to Sheridan tomorrow to see if the rally lecture I did ages ago would be okay, or if I have to do another one...

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To be honest, I didn't have to do any observed licence test because they had a special rule that if you had a rally licence when they brought in the new rule you didn't have to undertake the observed licence tests. I can't remember if you need to do 2 observed licence tests or not?


BUT Fook, if you're only going to navigate, I'm pretty sure you don't have to do any observed licence tests! You can drive all types of events that you currently compete in but you can navigate in rallies, just not drive.


You have to do the lecture BUT you can complete it on-line at the CAMS web site. Have you looked at the CAMS web site to check the requirements, I am pretty sure they would have the info you need??


How did you land such a plumb drive with the Sherrin team?? I wish!! The offer still stands, I'm there in 2.4 seconds if required!! Ooh ooh, pick me pick me!!


Sorry, this is well off topic

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Mel: At the moment I'm looking at the Sparco Sprint 5 (same as Robs) in a size 48 (smallest). The measurements sort of match... I'm looking at putting an order through to Demon Tweaks (since I also need to get new boots, nomex underwear, balaclava, socks etc) But I'll call up BRD Racing tomorrow too... BUSY DAY!!! If they ask who, should I say you?


If I can get a full NRL, I will, if I can't then I'll settle for an NRNL. Both are same price, so I might as well get an NRL... Although I suppose I could probably upgrade later, I wonder if I'll need to pay again???


And yes, checked CAMS site, 2 OLT's... Might talk to the CAMS office tomorrow too, and find out more. After all I need to go there and get the forms in anyway...


How I got myself into this? Same as you. Know the right people, be in the right places at the right time :)

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