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Everything posted by Ruts

  1. Have you got pics of the shell yet dem ????
  2. Ok got a few of you guys in the rotation, Demuire, Crash and Irokin all in there, and Nick's old AE86
  3. Righto guys and girls .... Nick and I have been working on a new layout for the site ..... and he is happy with the concept I have shown him .... but what I need from you is some pics of your cars. :P The plan is to have pictures changing continually at the top of the site .... so the more of us to put our cars up there the better .... a mock up of the site is HERE. The sort of shots I would like are nose on or tail shots, but a good side shot like CRASH uses in his signature is ok too. Size is not important, but bigger is better, as I will rework all the images and neither is colour or black and white (but bright/light photos are better) cause they will all end up shades of blue .... see the link above. If you can upload the photos in the public gallery and then drop a message here I can get started on the images and get your car in the rotation. Also don't worry about editing out the numberplates etc - I an do that and with the resized images they wont be ledgible anyway. !Pinkyswear! Here is the first image I am using in the rotation to give you an idea of the preferred angles .... it will make more sense when you check the link above......
  4. Nick save me a white one - i'll be in sunny BrisVegas this friday !! or if you can get MM to drop one off to where he picked up those wheels that time - round the corner from ya olds .... ta dude :greenclap:
  5. my point exactly - if ya do ya own prep work :P I am smart enough to know my prep work isnt worth shit - I can't rub back to save myself. :nuts: but i did like the colour .... was there a metal flake in there somewhere ??
  6. I see some flaws in that second photo too Dem ..... poor prep by the looks..... but if ya do your own prep then only 1 person to blame ........
  7. mKay peoples ......... who has the best set of emotes ............ load them up and lets share them with the board. There are a bunch of new ones on here lets see how many I can get in one post ....... $:D :argue: :barf: :beers: :bath: :clap: :) :smilebird: :P :boobs: :greenbutt: $$ buzz :greenclap: :) doh :P :drink: :) :drool: :fry: :fart: :flutter: :drunk: :headbutt: :hypno: :nuts: :jester: :biglick: :greenlick: :love: :loud: :D :tallmoon: :sweat: :nobutt: :nono: :smash: :pray: :punch: :gag: :shit: :smoke: :smooth: :think: :chicken: :tired: :wanna: :whip: :whistle: ALRIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!! 51!!!!!!!!!! Sorry, but the limit is really 10 ........... its good to be the King (or his jester anyway)
  8. Well I think I got my first ticket (flashed) on Tuesday night racing to get to volleyball - I swear it was an 80 zone and I was doing 85 but one of my mates said its a 70 zone doh Still I think thats pretty good for 15+ years of licenced :P Lucky for me the other guys in the van were the reason we were rushing so everybody is chipping in for the fine. :shit:
  9. Good call - i was so busy laughing I didnt even notice the cars driving on the wrong side of the road.
  10. that's piss funny Hey MM where was that taken ......... looks like Milton
  11. Mods can move topics to the trash same as before
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